DrivePro® Retrofit

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  • 在现有系统中提高流程和能源效率
  • 仅就所需产品支付费用
  • 100% 兼容性和耐久性
  • 确保对于其他设备的最佳保护


  • 减少安装成本
  • 受益于丹佛斯的专业技能,确保快速、轻松的替换选择、调试和维护规划


  • 通过采用最新技术的变频器高效替换过时的产品
  • 通过仔细规划确保最长的正常运行时间
  • 避免紧急变频器支持的非预期成本


We can retrofit all products that are in limited or inactive lifecycle status with newer technology and more energy-efficient products.

MyDrive Assistant can also help identify the best replacement AC drive depending on type code or sales code.


  • Any kind of installation
  • Any commissioning. However, Danfoss is ready to support you in commissioning newly installed drives drives with DrivePro® Start-up.

Danfoss is ready to support you every step of the way. DrivePro® Start-up is a professional commissioning service that configures the AC drive according to your application. That service ensures the AC drive is working at its full potential to ensure maximum availability and process performance.


Yes. Often there is a commercial advantage in replacing a large volume of AC drives in a single coordinated project. It helps to plan well in advance in order to reduce planned operational downtime.


Typically 12-18 months before moving a product to the limited lifecycle status, Danfoss sends a letter to customers notifying them that a certain product will reach the end of its lifecycle and will no longer be produced. In that letter Danfoss will also provide information about the best alternative product for retrofit.

If a failure occurs, AC drives in the limited lifecycle will have reduced service options, which increases the risks of longer downtime and costs of failure. Therefore, Danfoss recommends DrivePro® Retrofit service when drives transition to limited or inactive lifecycle status.

Ultimately, it is the customer's decision to replace the AC drive still in service.

Read more about the lifecycle management model


With DrivePro® Retrofit, we always replace the drive with its successor product or the best alternative product from our portfolio of AC drives in the new and active lifecycle stages.

With DrivePro® Exchange, we always replace the drive with the same type of product.

Read more about the lifecycle management model




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