Hydronic balancing and control

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Hydronic balancing of HVAC heating and cooling systems is essential for many reasons. It is necessary in order to achieve proper indoor comfort and for the system to run as efficiently as possible. If the hydronic balance is not properly in place, end-user complaints, extra costs and reduced lifetime value of the system can be expected.

Danfoss offers a hydronic balancing solution for every situation:

Pressure-Independent Balancing and Control Valves combine hydronic balancing and temperature control functionalities in one product. They are simply set to the design flow and used in both heating and cooling systems with variable flow conditions.

Automatic balancing valves eliminate pressure fluctuations occurring in variable flow systems. With additional pre-setting radiator valves that limit the maximum flow through e.g. radiators, the system can be hydronically balanced. Another automatic balancing solution is provided by the Pressure-Independent thermostatic radiator valves which combine the control of differential pressure and flow limitation in one valve.

Thermal balancing valves establish a proper balance by using the temperature entering the circulation pipes of Domestic Hot Water system risers. This provides a very efficient system.

Manual balancing valves can be used in systems with a constant flow, such as systems with 3-way control valves. They need to be commissioned to establish the design flow.       


Improved energy efficiency and indoor comfort

Fewer complaints about uneven heat distribution

Fewer complaints about system noise

Savings on pump dimensions and energy consumption

Relatively short payback times


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    新一代AME 110NL(X)执行器

    我们很高兴地宣布,专为AB-QM 4.0动态压差平衡型电动调节阀推出的新一代AME 110NL(X)调节执行器现已上市。这些新型执行器经过大幅升级,旨在提升水暖HVAC系统的性能和效率。新一代执行器结合市场应用变化需求,带来了一系列新的特性和改进。

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    AB-QM系列新增AB-QM 4.0 CO6 Flexo

    在丹佛斯,我们始终致力于创新,为HVAC系统提供高效、便捷的解决方案。我们的新产品AB-QM 4.0 CO6 Flexo正是这一承诺的体现。这款标准化的预制连接套件旨在简化水力HVAC系统(特别是四管式系统中的辐射板和风机盘管)的设计、安装和维护。

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