VACON® NXP Air Cooled - Inverter progettato per applicazioni esigenti

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  • Documentazione
  • Modelli 3D e disegni
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Prestazioni precise e potenti

I convertitori di frequenza VACON® NXP Air Cooled offrono precisione e potenza ad applicazioni che richiedono prestazioni robuste e dinamiche. Disponibile in una gamma completa di potenze fino a 2 MW, sono disponibili come moduli da montare a muro, autonomi e IP00.

I convertitori di frequenza forniscono un controllo motore ottimizzato per motori a induzione e a magneti permanenti, nonché per applicazioni con azionamento gearless e soluzioni con unità in parallelo per motori con potenze elevate. Rapide opzioni bus di campo e una flessibilità di programmazione eccezionale ne assicurano la facile integrazione nei sistemi di automazione di qualsiasi impianto. Tempi e costi di progettazione possono essere ridotti grazie al numero elevato di opzioni standardizzate e alla ridotta complessità del sistema.

Tensioni di alimentazione e gamma di potenza

  • 3 x 208-240 V...0,55-90 kW
  • 3 x 380-500 V...1,5-1.200 kW
    con DriveSynch 1,5-4.000 kW
  • 3 x 525-690 V...2,0-2.000 kW
    con DriveSynch 2,0-4.500 kW

Caratteristiche e vantaggi

Facile integrazione nel sistema di automazione di qualsiasi impianto grazie alle rapide opzioni bus di campo e all'eccezionale flessibilità di programmazione

I costi di investimento risultano ridotti al minimo perché non sono necessari moduli esterni supplementari e i convertitori di frequenza sono dotati di cinque slot di espansione integrati per I/O supplementari, bus di campo e schede di sicurezza funzionali

Rapida risposta ai cambiamenti grazie al controllo vettoriale dinamico ad anello aperto e chiuso

Le ventole del drive soddisfano la direttiva ERP2015 sulla riduzione delle perdite nel sistema di ventilazione e aumentano notevolmente la durata del ventilatore

La durata del convertitore di frequenza e dei componenti critici viene estesa grazie alle schede di circuito stampato con rivestimento che offrono una protezione affidabile contro polvere e umidità

Legenda documentazione tecnica

  • Guida operativa/Operating guide: contiene informazioni su montaggio e installazione e su caratteristiche tecniche del drive, normative, dimensioni meccaniche, caratteristiche elettriche, informazioni su armoniche e radiodisturbi.
  • Guida installazione/Installation Guide: contiene informazioni su programmazione e messa in funzione con descrizione e impostazione dei parametri.
  • Guida utente/User Guide: guide specifiche per schede opzionali
  • Brochure/Selection Guide: contiene informazioni tecniche e descrittive sulle caratteristiche generali del prodotto, dimensioni, descrizione opzioni, applicazioni.

Per ogni documento sono di seguito disponibili le lingue italiano e inglese.
Per accedere ad altra documentazione in altre lingue, cliccare su "Accedi a tutta la documentazione" e impostare i dovuti filtri.


Tipo Nome Lingua Valido per Aggiornato Scarica Tipo di file
Case story Abeking and Rasmussen WSV Inglese Multiplo 03 mag, 2023 4.5 MB .pdf
Case story Baltika Icebreaker Inglese Multiplo 15 mar, 2023 1.4 MB .pdf
Case story Celle a combustibile per il trasporto elettrico del futuro Italiano Multiplo 01 mar, 2023 2.8 MB .pdf
Case story Ceneri Base Tunnel Inglese Multiplo 15 mar, 2023 4.5 MB .pdf
Case story Dai rifiuti all’energia sostenibile: Energia elettrica e calore a servizio della città Italiano Multiplo 20 mar, 2023 2.4 MB .pdf
Brochure DrivePro® Life Cycle Services | Are you our next DrivePro® Service Partner? Inglese Multiplo 14 apr, 2023 7.4 MB .pdf
Brochure DrivePro® Life Cycle Services | Stay calm. You’re covered. DrivePro® services add value to keep you at the forefront Inglese Multiplo 13 apr, 2023 7.0 MB .pdf
Case story Edinburgh EfW plant | English Inglese Multiplo 20 mar, 2023 2.4 MB .pdf
Case story Electrosteel Castings Ltd | English Inglese Multiplo 03 mag, 2023 1.7 MB .pdf
Brochure Engineering - Chemical & Pharma Inglese Multiplo 18 mag, 2022 37.7 MB .pdf
Case story Fayard Shipyard | English Inglese Multiplo 15 mar, 2023 3.7 MB .pdf
Case story Future of the Fjords | English Inglese Multiplo 20 mar, 2023 2.2 MB .pdf
Case story Grotte electric ferry - Full case | English Inglese Multiplo 15 dic, 2021 1.1 MB .pdf
Case story Grotte electric ferry - Mobile case | English Inglese Multiplo 15 dic, 2021 916.2 KB .pdf
Case story Grotte electric ferry - Short case | English Inglese Multiplo 15 dic, 2021 3.9 MB .pdf
Brochure Guida alla scelta VACON® NXP and VACON® NXC AC drives 0.55 kW – 2 MW Italiano Multiplo 17 mar, 2022 16.5 MB .pdf
Case story LANXESS - Full case | English Inglese Multiplo 03 mag, 2023 5.6 MB .pdf
Case story Linz Strom DrivePro® - Short case | English Inglese Multiplo 19 ott, 2022 3.7 MB .pdf
Case story Northern Leader | English Inglese Multiplo 17 mar, 2023 931.6 KB .pdf
Case story Nuvera Fuel Cells - Mobile case | English Inglese Multiplo 10 gen, 2022 1.4 MB .pdf
Case story Nuvera Fuel Cells | English Inglese Multiplo 11 gen, 2022 2.9 MB .pdf
Case story Oasis of the Sea | English Inglese Multiplo 17 mar, 2023 11.2 MB .pdf
Case story Oil Pumping Fujairah | English Inglese Multiplo 03 mag, 2023 958.0 KB .pdf
Brochure Ottimizzazione delle prestazioni e della sicurezza nell’industria del sollevamento Italiano Italia 23 nov, 2021 18.6 MB .pdf
Brochure Panoramica prodotti - Danfoss Drives - per ogni tua esigenza applicativa Italiano Multiplo 16 mar, 2023 11.9 MB .pdf
Brochure Product Overview - Danfoss Drives - for your applications Inglese Multiplo 16 mar, 2023 9.8 MB .pdf
Brochure Robust, reliable AC drives for significant CAPEX and OPEX savings in mining and mineral processing Inglese Multiplo 12 nov, 2021 44.2 MB .pdf
Brochure Safety and performance optimization of industrial cranes Inglese Multiplo 23 nov, 2021 18.6 MB .pdf
Brochure Selection Guide VACON® NXP and VACON® NXC AC drives 0.55 kW – 2 MW Inglese Multiplo 17 mar, 2022 20.5 MB .pdf
Brochure Servizi DrivePro® Life Cycle | Sarete voi il nostro prossimo Service Partner DrivePro®? Italiano Multiplo 14 apr, 2023 7.4 MB .pdf
Brochure Servizi DrivePro® Life Cycle | Stay calm. You’re covered. Servizi di assistenza DrivePro® per essere sempre in prima linea Italiano Multiplo 13 apr, 2023 7.0 MB .pdf
Manuale di servizio VACON-NX-Line-Voltage-Measurement-OG Inglese Multiplo 28 mar, 2023 13.0 MB .pdf
Manuale di progettazione VACON® Hybridization Design Guide Inglese Multiplo 15 gen, 2017 3.8 MB .pdf
Guida all’applicazione VACON® NX All in One Application Guide Inglese Multiplo 24 feb, 2023 8.1 MB .pdf
Guida all’applicazione VACON® NX All in One Application Manual Italiano Multiplo 15 mar, 2017 2.3 MB .pdf
Guida all’applicazione VACON® NX Heat Exchanger Application Man Inglese Multiplo 15 ago, 2016 432.8 KB .pdf
Guida all’applicazione VACON® NX Marine APFIFF09V242 Appl. Man Inglese Multiplo 28 nov, 2023 3.3 MB .pdf
Guida all’applicazione VACON® NX Sys Interf. APFIFF10V244 ApplM Inglese Multiplo 15 apr, 2019 808.0 KB .pdf
Guida all’applicazione VACON® NXP Advanced APFIFF08V236 ApplMan Inglese Multiplo 15 gen, 2021 2.0 MB .pdf
Manuale di servizio VACON® NXP Advanced Safety Option OG Inglese Multiplo 15 set, 2021 14.1 MB .pdf
Guida all’applicazione VACON® NXP CraneContr APFIFF20v099 ApplM Inglese Multiplo 15 gen, 2021 2.7 MB .pdf
Scheda informativa VACON® NXP drive anti-sway functionality Integrated sensorless control Inglese Multiplo 27 feb, 2023 569.0 KB .pdf
Guida all’applicazione VACON® NXP Funct. Safety App.G for Lifts Inglese Multiplo 15 nov, 2019 1.4 MB .pdf
Guida all’applicazione VACON® NXP HighSpeed APFIFF41V323 Manual Inglese Multiplo 15 gen, 2021 2.1 MB .pdf
Manuale di servizio VACON® NXP IP00 Modules Inglese Multiplo 10 nov, 2023 8.9 MB .pdf
Guida all’applicazione VACON® NXP Lift APFIFF33V223 Appl. Man. Inglese Multiplo 15 ott, 2017 15.9 MB .pdf
Guida all’applicazione VACON® NXP LineSynchII APFIFF44V120 AppM Inglese Multiplo 15 giu, 2021 1.9 MB .pdf
Guida all’applicazione VACON® NXP Shaft Sync APFIFF11 Appl Man Inglese Multiplo 15 dic, 2015 1.1 MB .pdf
Guida all’applicazione VACON® NXP SIA II APFIFF40V111 ApplM Inglese Multiplo 28 nov, 2023 3.0 MB .pdf
Manuale di servizio VACON® NXS NXP Air-cooled OG Inglese Multiplo 22 feb, 2023 10.7 MB .pdf
Manuale di servizio VACON® NXS NXP Air-cooled Operating G. Italiano Multiplo 15 dic, 2020 10.2 MB .pdf
Guida all’applicazione VACON® NXS NXP ASFIG100 Water Sol AppMan Inglese Multiplo 15 dic, 2015 2.9 MB .pdf
Guida all’applicazione VACON® NXS-P FireM.PID ASFIFF11V210 AppM Inglese Multiplo 15 dic, 2015 229.5 KB .pdf
Case story Valio dairy | English Inglese Multiplo 17 mar, 2023 3.1 MB .pdf

Modelli 3D e disegni

Modelli 3D e disegni
Tipo Nome Lingua Aggiornato Scarica Tipo di file
M-Drawing MCAD VACON NXS NXP FR10 IP00 01 nov, 2020 441.1 KB PDF
M-Drawing MCAD VACON NXS NXP FR10 IP54 Int cabling 01 gen, 2017 12.7 MB DXF
M-Drawing MCAD VACON NXS NXP FR10 Standalone IP54 01 nov, 2020 2.2 MB DXF
M-Drawing MCAD VACON NXS NXP FR11 IP00 01 nov, 2020 289.8 KB PDF
M-Drawing MCAD VACON NXS NXP FR11 IP00 01 nov, 2020 22.8 MB STP
M-Drawing MCAD VACON NXS NXP FR11 IP00 Terminal 01 gen, 2017 265.9 KB PDF
M-Drawing MCAD VACON NXS NXP FR11 IP00 Terminal 01 gen, 2017 7.5 MB DXF
M-Drawing MCAD VACON NXS NXP FR11 IP54 Int cabling 01 gen, 2017 6.6 MB DXF
M-Drawing MCAD VACON NXS NXP FR13 IP00 01 gen, 2017 2.5 MB DXF
M-Drawing MCAD VACON NXS NXP FR14 IP00 01 gen, 2017 2.9 MB DXF
M-Drawing MCAD VACON NXS NXP FR5 IP21 01 nov, 2020 130.9 KB PDF
M-Drawing MCAD VACON NXS NXP FR5 IP21 Flange 01 gen, 2017 144.1 KB PDF
M-Drawing MCAD VACON NXS NXP FR5 IP21 Flange 01 gen, 2017 3.9 MB DXF
M-Drawing MCAD VACON NXS NXP FR8 IP21 01 feb, 2022 264.9 KB PDF
M-Drawing MCAD VACON NXS NXP FR8 IP54 01 feb, 2022 10.1 MB STP
M-Drawing MCAD VACON NXS NXP FR9 IP00 01 feb, 2021 4.7 MB DXF
M-Drawing MCAD VACON NXS NXP FR9 IP00 01 feb, 2021 21.4 MB STP
M-Drawing MCAD VACON NXS NXP FR9 IP21 01 nov, 2020 56.6 KB PDF
M-Drawing MCAD VACON NXS NXP FR9 IP21 01 nov, 2020 2.1 MB DXF
M-Drawing MCAD VACON NXS NXP FR9 IP21 DC terminal 01 nov, 2020 2.6 MB DXF
M-Drawing MCAD VACON NXS NXP FR9 IP21 Flange 01 gen, 2017 2.6 MB DXF
M-Drawing MCAD VACON NXS NXP FR9 IP54 Flange 01 nov, 2020 65.2 KB PDF
M-Drawing MCAD VACON NXS NXP FR9 IP54 Flange 01 nov, 2020 15.5 MB STP
M-Drawing MCAD-VACON-NXS-NXP-FR12-IP00-part-1 01 set, 2021 32.9 MB STP
EPLAN-files NXB01256-A0T08SF 01 mag, 2019 1.8 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXB01446-A0T08SF 01 mag, 2019 1.8 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXB01685-A0T08SF 01 mag, 2019 1.8 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXB01706-A0T08SF 01 mag, 2019 1.8 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXB02055-A0T08SF 01 mag, 2019 1.8 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXB02086-A0T08SF 01 mag, 2019 1.8 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXB02615-A0T08SF 01 mag, 2019 1.8 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXB02616-A0T08SF 01 mag, 2019 7.0 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXB03005-A0T08SF 01 mag, 2019 1.8 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXB03256-A0T08SF 01 mag, 2019 7.0 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXB03855-A0T08SF 01 mag, 2019 7.0 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXB03856-A0T08SF 01 mag, 2019 7.0 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXB04166-A0T08SF 01 mag, 2019 7.0 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXB04605-A0T08SF 01 mag, 2019 7.0 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXB05205-A0T08SF 01 mag, 2019 7.0 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXB09206-A0T08SF 01 mag, 2019 5.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXB10306-A0T08SF 01 mag, 2019 5.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXB11505-A0T08SF 01 mag, 2019 5.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXB11806-A0T08SF 01 mag, 2019 5.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXB13005-A0T08SF 01 mag, 2019 5.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXB14505-A0T08SF 01 mag, 2019 5.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0003 2 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2020 6.6 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0003 2 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2020 6.6 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0003 5 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 6.6 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0003 5 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 6.6 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0004 2 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2020 6.6 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0004 2 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2020 6.6 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0004 5 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 6.6 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0004 5 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 6.6 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0004 6 A 2 L 0 S S S 01 mar, 2019 3.2 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0004 6 A 2 L 0 S S S 01 mar, 2019 3.2 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0004 6 A 2 L 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 3.2 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0004 6 A 2 L 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 3.2 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0005 5 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 6.6 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0005 5 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 6.6 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0005 6 A 2 L 0 S S S 01 mar, 2019 3.2 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0005 6 A 2 L 0 S S S 01 mar, 2019 3.2 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0005 6 A 2 L 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 3.2 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0005 6 A 2 L 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 3.2 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0007 2 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2020 6.6 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0007 2 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2020 6.6 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0007 5 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 6.6 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0007 5 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 6.6 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0007 6 A 2 L 0 S S S 01 mar, 2019 3.2 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0007 6 A 2 L 0 S S S 01 mar, 2019 3.2 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0007 6 A 2 L 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 3.2 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0007 6 A 2 L 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 3.2 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0008 2 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2020 6.6 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0008 2 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2020 6.6 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0009 5 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 6.6 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0009 5 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 6.6 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0010 6 A 2 L 0 S S S 01 mar, 2019 3.2 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0010 6 A 2 L 0 S S S 01 mar, 2019 3.2 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0010 6 A 2 L 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 3.2 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0010 6 A 2 L 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 3.2 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0011 2 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2020 6.6 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0011 2 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2020 6.6 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0012 2 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 6.6 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0012 2 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 6.6 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0012 5 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 6.6 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0012 5 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 6.6 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0013 6 A 2 L 0 S S S 01 mar, 2019 3.2 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0013 6 A 2 L 0 S S S 01 mar, 2019 3.2 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0013 6 A 2 L 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 3.2 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0013 6 A 2 L 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 3.2 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0016 5 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 1.8 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0016 5 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 1.8 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0017 2 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 1.8 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0017 2 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 1.8 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0018 6 A 2 L 0 S S S 01 mar, 2019 3.2 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0018 6 A 2 L 0 S S S 01 mar, 2019 3.2 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0018 6 A 2 L 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 3.2 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0018 6 A 2 L 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 3.2 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0022 5 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 1.8 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0022 5 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 1.8 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0022 6 A 2 L 0 S S S 01 mar, 2019 3.2 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0022 6 A 2 L 0 S S S 01 mar, 2019 3.2 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0022 6 A 2 L 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 3.2 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0022 6 A 2 L 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 3.2 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0025 2 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 1.8 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0025 2 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 1.8 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0027 6 A 2 L 0 S S S 01 mar, 2019 3.2 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0027 6 A 2 L 0 S S S 01 mar, 2019 3.2 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0027 6 A 2 L 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 3.2 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0027 6 A 2 L 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 3.2 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0031 2 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 1.8 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0031 2 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 1.8 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0031 5 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 1.8 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0031 5 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 1.8 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0034 6 A 2 L 0 S S S 01 mar, 2019 3.2 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0034 6 A 2 L 0 S S S 01 mar, 2019 3.2 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0034 6 A 2 L 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 3.2 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0034 6 A 2 L 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 3.2 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0038 5 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 3.2 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0038 5 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 3.2 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0041 6 A 2 L 0 S S S 01 mar, 2019 10.3 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0041 6 A 2 L 0 S S S 01 mar, 2019 10.3 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0041 6 A 2 L 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 10.3 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0041 6 A 2 L 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 10.3 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0045 5 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 3.2 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0045 5 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 3.2 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0048 2 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 3.2 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0048 2 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 3.2 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0052 6 A 2 L 0 S S S 01 mar, 2019 10.3 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0052 6 A 2 L 0 S S S 01 mar, 2019 10.3 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0052 6 A 2 L 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 10.3 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0052 6 A 2 L 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 10.3 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0061 2 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 3.2 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0061 2 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 3.2 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0061 5 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 3.2 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0061 5 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 3.2 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0062 6 A 2 L 0 B S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0062 6 A 2 L 0 B S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0062 6 A 2 L 0 S S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0062 6 A 2 L 0 S S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0062 6 A 2 L 1 B S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0062 6 A 2 L 1 B S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0062 6 A 2 L 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0062 6 A 2 L 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0072 5 A 2 H 0 S S S 01 mar, 2019 10.3 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0072 5 A 2 H 0 S S S 01 mar, 2019 10.3 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0072 5 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 10.3 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0072 5 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 10.3 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0075 2 A 2 H 0 S S S 01 mar, 2019 10.3 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0075 2 A 2 H 0 S S S 01 mar, 2019 10.3 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0075 2 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 10.3 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0075 2 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 10.3 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0080 6 A 2 L 0 B S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0080 6 A 2 L 0 B S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0080 6 A 2 L 0 S S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0080 6 A 2 L 0 S S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0080 6 A 2 L 1 B S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0080 6 A 2 L 1 B S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0080 6 A 2 L 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0080 6 A 2 L 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0087 5 A 2 H 0 S S S 01 mar, 2019 10.3 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0087 5 A 2 H 0 S S S 01 mar, 2019 10.3 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0087 5 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 10.3 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0087 5 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 10.3 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0088 2 A 2 H 0 S S S 01 mar, 2019 10.3 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0088 2 A 2 H 0 S S S 01 mar, 2019 10.3 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0088 2 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 10.3 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0088 2 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 10.3 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0100 6 A 2 L 0 B S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0100 6 A 2 L 0 B S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0100 6 A 2 L 0 S S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0100 6 A 2 L 0 S S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0100 6 A 2 L 1 B S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0100 6 A 2 L 1 B S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0100 6 A 2 L 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0100 6 A 2 L 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0105 5 A 2 H 0 S S S 01 mar, 2019 10.3 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0105 5 A 2 H 0 S S S 01 mar, 2019 10.3 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0105 5 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 10.3 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0105 5 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 10.3 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0114 2 A 2 H 0 S S S 01 mar, 2019 10.3 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0114 2 A 2 H 0 S S S 01 mar, 2019 10.3 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0114 2 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 10.3 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0114 2 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 10.3 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0125 6 A 2 L 0 B S F 01 mar, 2019 734.6 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0125 6 A 2 L 0 B S F 01 mar, 2019 734.6 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0125 6 A 2 L 0 S S F 01 mar, 2019 734.4 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0125 6 A 2 L 0 S S F 01 mar, 2019 734.4 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0125 6 A 2 L 1 B S F 01 mar, 2019 734.7 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0125 6 A 2 L 1 B S F 01 mar, 2019 734.7 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0125 6 A 2 L 1 S S F 01 mar, 2019 734.6 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0125 6 A 2 L 1 S S F 01 mar, 2019 734.6 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0140 2 A 2 H 0 B S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0140 2 A 2 H 0 B S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0140 2 A 2 H 0 S S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0140 2 A 2 H 0 S S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0140 2 A 2 H 1 B S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0140 2 A 2 H 1 B S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0140 2 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0140 2 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0140 5 A 2 H 0 B S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0140 5 A 2 H 0 B S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0140 5 A 2 H 0 S S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0140 5 A 2 H 0 S S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0140 5 A 2 H 1 B S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0140 5 A 2 H 1 B S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0140 5 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0140 5 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0144 6 A 2 L 0 B S F 01 mar, 2019 734.6 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0144 6 A 2 L 0 B S F 01 mar, 2019 734.6 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0144 6 A 2 L 0 S S F 01 mar, 2019 734.4 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0144 6 A 2 L 0 S S F 01 mar, 2019 734.4 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0144 6 A 2 L 1 B S F 01 mar, 2019 734.7 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0144 6 A 2 L 1 B S F 01 mar, 2019 734.7 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0144 6 A 2 L 1 S S F 01 mar, 2019 734.6 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0144 6 A 2 L 1 S S F 01 mar, 2019 734.6 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0168 5 A 2 H 0 B S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0168 5 A 2 H 0 B S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0168 5 A 2 H 0 S S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0168 5 A 2 H 0 S S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0168 5 A 2 H 1 B S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0168 5 A 2 H 1 B S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0168 5 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0168 5 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0170 2 A 2 H 0 B S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0170 2 A 2 H 0 B S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0170 2 A 2 H 0 S S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0170 2 A 2 H 0 S S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0170 2 A 2 H 1 B S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0170 2 A 2 H 1 B S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0170 2 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0170 2 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0170 6 A 2 L 0 B S F 01 mar, 2019 734.5 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0170 6 A 2 L 0 B S F 01 mar, 2019 734.5 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0170 6 A 2 L 0 S S F 01 mar, 2019 734.4 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0170 6 A 2 L 0 S S F 01 mar, 2019 734.4 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0170 6 A 2 L 1 B S F 01 mar, 2019 734.7 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0170 6 A 2 L 1 B S F 01 mar, 2019 734.7 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0170 6 A 2 L 1 S S F 01 mar, 2019 734.6 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0170 6 A 2 L 1 S S F 01 mar, 2019 734.6 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0205 2 A 2 H 0 B S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0205 2 A 2 H 0 B S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0205 2 A 2 H 0 S S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0205 2 A 2 H 0 S S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0205 2 A 2 H 1 B S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0205 2 A 2 H 1 B S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0205 2 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0205 2 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0205 5 A 2 H 0 B S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0205 5 A 2 H 0 B S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0205 5 A 2 H 0 S S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0205 5 A 2 H 0 S S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0205 5 A 2 H 1 B S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0205 5 A 2 H 1 B S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0205 5 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0205 5 A 2 H 1 S S S 01 mar, 2019 15.4 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0208 6 A 2 L 0 B S F 01 mar, 2019 734.6 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0208 6 A 2 L 0 B S F 01 mar, 2019 734.6 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0208 6 A 2 L 0 S S F 01 mar, 2019 734.4 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0208 6 A 2 L 0 S S F 01 mar, 2019 734.4 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0208 6 A 2 L 1 B S F 01 mar, 2019 734.7 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0208 6 A 2 L 1 B S F 01 mar, 2019 734.7 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0208 6 A 2 L 1 S S F 01 mar, 2019 734.6 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0208 6 A 2 L 1 S S F 01 mar, 2019 734.6 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0261 2 A 2 H 0 B S F 01 mar, 2019 734.6 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0261 2 A 2 H 0 B S F 01 mar, 2019 734.6 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0261 2 A 2 H 0 S S F 01 mar, 2019 734.4 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0261 2 A 2 H 0 S S F 01 mar, 2019 734.4 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0261 2 A 2 H 1 B S F 01 mar, 2019 734.7 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0261 2 A 2 H 1 B S F 01 mar, 2019 734.7 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0261 2 A 2 H 1 S S F 01 mar, 2019 734.6 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0261 2 A 2 H 1 S S F 01 mar, 2019 734.6 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0261 5 A 2 H 0 B S F 01 mar, 2019 734.6 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0261 5 A 2 H 0 B S F 01 mar, 2019 734.6 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0261 5 A 2 H 0 S S F 01 mar, 2019 734.4 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0261 5 A 2 H 0 S S F 01 mar, 2019 734.4 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0261 5 A 2 H 1 B S F 01 mar, 2019 734.7 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0261 5 A 2 H 1 B S F 01 mar, 2019 734.7 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0261 5 A 2 H 1 S S F 01 mar, 2019 734.6 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0261 5 A 2 H 1 S S F 01 mar, 2019 734.6 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0300 2 A 2 H 0 B S F 01 mar, 2019 734.6 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0300 2 A 2 H 0 B S F 01 mar, 2019 734.6 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0300 2 A 2 H 0 S S F 01 mar, 2019 734.4 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0300 2 A 2 H 0 S S F 01 mar, 2019 734.4 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0300 2 A 2 H 1 B S F 01 mar, 2019 734.7 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0300 2 A 2 H 1 B S F 01 mar, 2019 734.7 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0300 2 A 2 H 1 S S F 01 mar, 2019 734.6 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0300 2 A 2 H 1 S S F 01 mar, 2019 734.6 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0300 5 A 2 H 0 B S F 01 mar, 2019 734.5 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0300 5 A 2 H 0 B S F 01 mar, 2019 734.5 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0300 5 A 2 H 0 S S F 01 mar, 2019 734.4 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0300 5 A 2 H 0 S S F 01 mar, 2019 734.4 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0300 5 A 2 H 1 B S F 01 mar, 2019 734.7 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0300 5 A 2 H 1 B S F 01 mar, 2019 734.7 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0300 5 A 2 H 1 S S F 01 mar, 2019 734.7 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files NXP 0300 5 A 2 H 1 S S F 01 mar, 2019 734.7 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files OPTE3_VACON_NX 01 nov, 2019 1.0 MB ZIP
EPLAN-files OPTE5_VACON_NX 01 nov, 2019 269.4 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files OPTE7_VACON_NX 01 nov, 2019 267.6 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files OPTEA_VACON_NX 01 nov, 2019 223.5 KB ZIP
EPLAN-files OPTEC_VACON_NX 01 nov, 2019 245.2 KB ZIP


Tipo Nome Lingua Aggiornato Versione Status Scarica Tipo di file
Software tools SISTEMA Library for Danfoss Drives English 01 gen, 2018 01 Released 283.1 KB .zip
Application software VACON NXP Active Front End I English 13 mag, 2022 153 Released 3.7 MB .zip
System software VACON NXP Firmware English 28 nov, 2023 208 Released 4.3 MB .zip
System software VACON® Advanced Safety Option Firmware English 16 dic, 2019 004 Released 3.1 MB .zip
Software tools VACON® NCDrive English 08 mar, 2022 2.0.42 Released 5.0 MB .zip
System software VACON® NX OPTC3/C5 PROFIBUS GSD English 11 gen, 2016 01 Released 748.0 B .zip
System software VACON® NX OPTC4 LonWorks XIF English 11 gen, 2016 01 Released 1.3 KB .zip
System software VACON® NX OPTC6 CANopen EDS English 27 feb, 2018 01 Released 2.7 KB .zip
System software VACON® NX OPTC7 DeviceNet EDS English 01 gen, 2012 01 Released 3.5 KB .zip
System software VACON® NX OPTCP PROFINET GSDML English 19 feb, 2015 01 Released 7.4 KB .zip
Application software VACON® NXP Active Front End II English 11 nov, 2022 076 Released 1.7 MB .zip
Application software VACON® NXP Advanced Application English 05 lug, 2023 242 Released 3.0 MB .zip
Application software VACON® NXP Brake Chopper Unit English 03 lug, 2023 126 Released 1.2 MB .zip
Application software VACON® NXP Crane Application English 13 mag, 2022 104 Released 4.0 MB .zip
Application software VACON® NXP DC/DC Converter Application English 29 gen, 2024 114 Released 1.7 MB .zip
Application software VACON® NXP Generator Application English 29 gen, 2024 137 Released 2.5 MB .zip
Application software VACON® NXP Grid Converter + GGC English 29 gen, 2024 162 Released 4.6 MB .zip
Application software VACON® NXP Grid Converter + GGC (UL508a) English 31 lug, 2020 103 Released 5.6 MB .zip
Application software VACON® NXP Grid Converter Application English 29 gen, 2024 192 Released 2.7 MB .zip
Application software VACON® NXP Heat Exchanger Application English 01 feb, 2016 604 Released 652.6 KB .zip
Application software VACON® NXP Lift Application English 27 nov, 2018 225 Released 20.2 MB .zip
Application software VACON® NXP Line Sync II Application English 04 giu, 2021 120 Released 2.6 MB .zip
Application software VACON® NXP Marine Application English 03 lug, 2023 242 Released 4.2 MB .zip
Application software VACON® NXP Power Generation Application English 26 ago, 2019 040 Released 2.2 MB .zip
Application software VACON® NXP Shaft Sync Application English 23 set, 2010 115 Released 3.1 MB .zip
Application software VACON® NXP System Interface Application English 24 apr, 2019 244 Released 1.9 MB .zip
Application software VACON® NXP System Interface II Application English 03 lug, 2023 110 Released 4.2 MB .zip
System software VACON® OPT-C2 Modbus RTU / N2 Firmware English 12 set, 2012 023 Released 62.8 KB .zip
System software VACON® OPT-C3/C5 PROFIBUS DP Firmware English 07 ott, 2015 018 Released 57.6 KB .zip
System software VACON® OPT-C4 LonWorks Firmware English 14 giu, 2017 025 Released 66.1 KB .zip
System software VACON® OPT-C6 CANopen Firmware English 21 ago, 2017 026 Released 74.5 KB .zip
System software VACON® OPT-C7 DeviceNet Firmware English 18 set, 2012 012 Released 81.8 KB .zip
System software VACON® OPT-CG S2 Protocol Firmware English 19 set, 2012 010 Released 46.3 KB .zip
System software VACON® OPT-CI Modbus TCP/IP Firmware English 13 apr, 2021 020 Released 153.1 KB .zip
System software VACON® OPT-CJ BACnet MS/TP Firmware English 19 set, 2012 013 Released 64.8 KB .zip
System software VACON® OPT-CP PROFINET IO Firmware English 13 apr, 2021 014 Released 511.6 KB .zip
System software VACON® OPT-CQ Ethernet/IP Firmware English 13 apr, 2021 008 Released 188.3 KB .zip
System software VACON® OPT-E9 DualPort Ethernet Firmware English 21 ago, 2020 011 Released 6.9 MB .zip
System software VACON® OPT-EC EtherCAT Firmware English 12 ago, 2022 005 Released 2.9 MB .zip
System software VACON® OPTBB EnDat Firmware English 28 mar, 2019 008 Released 62.5 KB .zip
System software VACON® OPTBE EnDat/SSI/BiSS C Firmware English 28 mar, 2019 010 Released 36.4 KB .zip
System software VACON® OPTCQ EtherNet/IP EDS English 08 gen, 2015 01 Released 13.2 KB .zip
System software VACON® OPTE3/E5 PROFIBUS GSD English 08 giu, 2022 01 Released 13.4 KB .zip
System software VACON® OPTE3/E5 TIA Portal Library English 08 lug, 2020 014 Released 3.6 MB .zip
System software VACON® OPTE9 EtherNet/IP EDS English 03 set, 2020 01 Released 72.1 KB .zip
System software VACON® OPTE9 PROFINET IO GSDML English 03 apr, 2020 01 Released 204.3 KB .zip
System software VACON® OPTE9 SIMATIC PDM EDD English 16 dic, 2019 01 Released 667.4 KB .zip
System software VACON® OPTE9-EA TIA Portal Library English 16 feb, 2018 01 Released 2.9 MB .zip
System software VACON® OPTE9/EA EtherNet/IP Add-on Instructions English 16 feb, 2018 01 Released 531.9 KB .zip
System software VACON® OPTEA Advanced Dual Port Ethernet Firmware English 03 apr, 2023 007 Released 7.2 MB .zip
System software VACON® OPTEA PROFINET IO GSDML English 08 feb, 2021 01 Released 209.2 KB .zip
System software VACON® OPTEC EtherCAT ESI English 20 feb, 2020 01 Released 381.4 KB .zip
System software VACON® PROFISAFE TIA Portal Library English 16 feb, 2018 01 Released 2.4 MB .zip
Software tools VACON® Safe English 25 gen, 2021 Released 3.8 MB .zip
Software tools VACON® Save English 11 gen, 2016 2.3.5 Released 1.5 MB .zip

Applicazioni correlate

Ascensori, scale mobili, gru, montacarichi, argani, pompe di carico, pompe, ventilatori, convogliatori, macchine utensili, controllo manipolatori, pompe ad olio, avvolgitori e svolgitori, essiccatoi, tessitrici ed estrusori.

Casi di studio

  • if (isSmallPicture) { E-ferry Grotte, Fanoe-Esbjerg rute, Molslinjen; } else if (isBigColumns) { E-ferry Grotte, Fanoe-Esbjerg rute, Molslinjen } else { E-ferry Grotte, Fanoe-Esbjerg rute, Molslinjen }
    Grotte, traghetto 100% elettrico che naviga in acque Patrimonio dell'UNESCO - Con Danfoss Drives

    Molslinjen, la più grande compagnia di traghetti danese, ha messo in moto il suo primo traghetto elettrico. L'E-ferry Grotte naviga nelle acque Patrimonio dell'Umanità dell'UNESCO tra la città costiera di Esbjerg e l'isola di Fanø – e Danfoss è a bordo.
    Il futuro ha un grande potenziale nella navigazione di rotte brevi con traghetti elettrici.

  • if (isSmallPicture) { Ventilazione affidabile ed efficace nella Galleria di base del Monte Ceneri; } else if (isBigColumns) { Ventilazione affidabile ed efficace nella Galleria di base del Monte Ceneri } else { Ventilazione affidabile ed efficace nella Galleria di base del Monte Ceneri }
    Ventilazione affidabile ed efficace nella Galleria di base del Monte Ceneri

    Controllando la velocità dei ventilatori nella galleria delle Alpi, i convertitori di frequenza VACON® NXP contribuiscono a migliorare la sicurezza e il risparmio energetico.

  • if (isSmallPicture) { Dai rifiuti all’energia sostenibile:  Energia elettrica e calore a  servizio della città; } else if (isBigColumns) { Dai rifiuti all’energia sostenibile:  Energia elettrica e calore a  servizio della città } else { Dai rifiuti all’energia sostenibile:  Energia elettrica e calore a  servizio della città }
    Dai rifiuti all’energia sostenibile: Energia elettrica e calore a servizio della città

    Alla periferia di Edimburgo un innovativo sistema per la termovalorizzazione dei rifiuti urbani non riciclabili, ha contribuito a ridurre l’impronta ambientale della capitale scozzese grazie all’eliminazione dell’impiego delle discariche e alla duplice capacità di recupero energetico dell’impianto.

  • if (isSmallPicture) { Controllo del freno efficiente per le gru della fonderia Elgi; } else if (isBigColumns) { Controllo del freno efficiente per le gru della fonderia Elgi } else { Controllo del freno efficiente per le gru della fonderia Elgi }
    Controllo del freno efficiente per le gru della fonderia Elgi

    I convertitori di frequenza VACON® NXP e VACON® NXS sono dotati di un software applicativo dedicato per la frenatura meccanica che garantisce uno straordinario livello di precisione della velocità e di controllo del freno.

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