People in remote island locations with no electricity face costly choices when looking for fresh water. They can ship water to fill local tanks, or they can ship diesel to drive electric generators for a Sea Water Reverse Osmosis (SWRO) plant. Both are expensive.
With recent improvements in photovoltaic cell technology, however, solar-powered SWRO plants in isolated places have moved from the realm of dreams into reality. TEMAK S.A. designed a fully autonomous solar-powered SWRO plant for a remote Greek islet that has run for four years without a hitch – and won the prestigious Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Water Award along the way. The heart of the energy-friendly system? A Danfoss APP pump and APM energy recovery device.
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if (isSmallPicture) {
; } else if (isBigColumns) { } else { }High-pressure pumps for SWRO applicationsThe range of high-pressure APP pumps is optimized for both landbased, off-shore and marine sea water reverse osmosis applications. Available with or without motor.