Leanheat solution lowers the energy consumption for Malmegårds Fastigheter

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Malmegårds Fastighets AB has since the autumn of 2019 implemented a modern and innovative control system, which regulates the heat supply to the building by indoor temperature instead of traditionally controlling by outdoor temperature. By developing the existing control system, the energy optimization service Leanheat has helped Malmegårds to minimize the peak demand, lower the energy consumption and improved the indoor climate for the residents.

Malmegårds Fastighets AB has worked with energy efficiency for over 30 years and consumes nearly 40 percent below the average of the public utility. Over the years, Malmegårds has conducted additional insulation of attics, sealed windows and installed effective steering in their properties throughout the Stockholm area. The real estate company has also integrated remotely controlled energy steering as well as installed energy-efficient ventilation units.

Fredrik Håkansson

We have worked for a long time in order to reduce the energy consumption. By investing in new technology, we can reduce our energy consumption and climate impact.

Fredrik Håkansson, CEO at Malmegårds Fastighets AB

But the company also aspired to be in the forefront regarding technology for energy optimization in their properties. The previous and more traditional system only considered the outdoor temperature and therefore did not utilize the energy created by the sunlight and heat from the residents.

After a meeting with the Finnish energy optimization team (which is part of Danfoss as an energy optimization unit with a solution known as Leanheat), a test was conducted of the company’s AI-based IoT-solution which monitors, controls and optimizes the indoor temperature in the buildings with district heating as it simultaneously minimizes the peak demand and improves the indoor climate for the residents.

We really wanted to utilize the existing control system and develop it, which was possible with Leanheat. With an integration of the existing system and an installation of apartment sensors, it enables us to easily monitor the temperature and humidity in real time. The flexible Leanheat service has proven well and facilitates the work for us property owners.

Fredrik Håkansson

The collaboration between Malmegårds Fastighets AB and Danfoss’ Leanheat solution has resulted in a significantly lower energy consumption. They have even managed to reduce the peak demand through the use of self-learning software.

We can see a significant drop in the energy consumption. We have managed to establish a better foundation to control the temperatures in each apartment. If an inbalance occurs, we can easily adjust it. However, this is our first step with Danfoss – in the future we want to create a greater balance in the properties and minimize the maximum energy consumption.

Fredrik Håkansson

Leanheat® — For true energy optimization. From people to production.

Buildings account for a staggering 40 percent of the world’s energy consumption. And in Europe alone, almost a third of residential heating comes from fossil fuels.
Leanheat empowers district energy networks to optimize the operational efficiency of buildings and increase the comfort of end-users through end-to-end software solutions.