Electric heating ensures safety along the asphalt driveway, Ankara, Turkey

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

By 2050 the world’s population is expected to reach 9.8 billion. Nearly 70 percent—6.7 billion people—is projected to live in urban areas.

There are specific requirements to a modern city and we are ready to realize them. Electric heating plays an integral role in the deployment of solutions to meet the present and future challenges of big cities.

Educated by lessons of the past and anticipating challenges of the future, we consider safety one of these requirements. Electric heating is a good example of demonstrating how to achieve this on driveways.


The challenge:

Increased risk of vehicle accidents due to slippery roads in winter times

Safety on the road is challenging, especially during winter times. Snow on the road increases risk of accidents, and temperatures below zero can cause danger of black ice. Slippery asphalt leads to hazardous driving conditions which often result in road accidents. Keeping a sufficiently safe distance is a good safety measure that should always be taken, but there are also additional solutions that can help preventing severe accidents on the roads during wintertime.


The solution:

Ensuring safety when needed with electric heating of the asphalt driveway

Protocol Road, the longest asphalt driveway equipped with electric heating, is located in North Ankara, Turkey. The electric heating was installed along this 3.3 km 2-direction (3 lanes each) road connecting Ankara city center and the airport.

Electric heating was chosen as a sustainable modern technology to ensure safety on this long driveway during its reconstruction.

The outdoor electric heating system is fully flexible and functions automatically. It is switched on once the sensors detect low temperature and moisture, and switched off after the surface is cleaned. This provides cost-effective protection to the large area and the most energy-efficient solution for asphalt frost protection. Managed by the high-end controller, the system is maintenance free.


The result:

Safety on driveways with sustainable outdoor solution

 A sustainable result was achieved. The outdoor electric heating system ensures safety for traffic by efficient snow removal. It eliminates any needs to use machinery or manpower for cleaning the surface, and at the same time protecting the environment against salting and antifreeze damage.


Project Overview:

Project size: 17 000 m²
Installed power: 6,7 MW
Products: DEVIsnow 30T - 245 km + DEVIreg 850 .
Year of implementation: 2012


Facts about electric heating:

Electric heating is energy efficient and environmentally friendly, meeting your needs in various applications. It enables great comfort and convenience while ensuring user-friendly solutions with lasting effects and the highest quality standards.

Electric heating solutions are supported by legislation in key European countries. Directives that are coming into force in the biggest European markets give the green light: use eco-friendly systems and new materials to ensure energy saving.