Convinced by the superior harmonic performance of VLT® drives and AHFs, and significant average energy savings of over 30% on each air handling unit, Moser Baer ordered 40 more VLT® drives, AHFs and Flow Sensors.
A pioneer among globalizing Indian firms, Moser Baer has a presence in over 82 countries, serviced through six marketing offices in India, the US and Europe, and enjoys strong tie-ups with all major global technology brands. Moser Baer is OEM supplier to all the 12 leading storage media brands in the world.
The Greater Noida Facility of Moser Baer has a large HVAC System of several thousand tons which provides clean room, temperature and humidity controlled environment to the processing area where optical storage media are manufactured.
The air distribution system comprises 118 30 kW AHUs which blow air-conditioned air through a set of pre-filters, fine filters and HEPA filters into the process area. Pre-filters are cleaned every week whereas fine filters are cleaned every month. Whenever the filters are clean, AHUs tend to over pump the air and on clogging reach a condition of under pumping. Consequently, the clean room conditions remain disturbed because of variation in air flow and also lead to a waste of significant energy.
A series of interactions of the Danfoss Delhi team though convinced the customer about the benefits of VLT® drives on AHUs to optimize the process and achieve energy savings, but the past bad experience of high harmonics produced by large existing other makes of drives (approx. 550 kW) and consequent equipments tripping and production losses continuously haunted the customer.
Danfoss presented its AHF Solution to the customer and had marathon discussions to convince them to go ahead with a trial on 4 AHUs to begin with in October 2005.
The first lot of VLT® drives and AHF 005 were commissioned in November 2005, and in December 2005 Danfoss demonstrated that the THID of VLT® drives with AHF was less than 5%, whereas the THID of various drives of other makes exceeded 50%.
Moser Baer observed the performance of VLT® drives and AHFs until March 2006. Convinced by the superior harmonic performance of VLT® drives and AHFs, and significant average energy savings of over 30% on each air handling unit, Moser Baer ordered 40 more VLT® drives, AHFs and Flow Sensors.
About Moser Baer
Moser Baer is a world leader in the development and manufacture of removable data storage media. Incorporated in 1983, the company is today one of India’s leading technology companies and ranks among the top three optical storage media manufacturers in the world.