The 250,000 sqm Danfoss headquarters campus in Nordborg, Denmark, reached CO2 neutrality in 2022. Here - seeing is believing. By decarbonizing its own operations globally, Danfoss applies the same approach to its customers.
It’s called: Reduce, Reuse, Re-source.
The key is to only use the energy according to actual demand. Each facility has implemented controls and monitoring technologies to manage the use of cooling, heating, and lighting - matching the shifting energy needs.
A key driver has been the optimization of ventilation systems, reducing the need for heating by 79% - and electric energy consumption to fans in ventilation systems by 50%. The energy reductions have helped lower temperatures in the site’s heating network significantly from 145 to 67° Celsius.
Recover and reuse excess heat
This means less transmission loss. Lower temperatures in the heating grid make it possible to recover and reuse a significant amount of excess heat from the central cooling water network that cools the manufacturing processes.
All new heating installations are designed for a supply temperature of 45° Celsius and are thus suitable for supply from heat pumps. For example, the heat generated by the servers in Danfoss’ datacenter can be captured and re-used to heat buildings during the winter. Thereby ensuring that both the energy consumed and created by the data center is utilized in the most efficient way.
After reducing energy consumption and using excess heat to the furthest extent possible – Danfoss re-source renewable energy for the remaining demand. The remaining electricity demand is covered by solar and through corporate power purchase agreements with suppliers of carbon-neutral energy. And this is how Danfoss will decarbonize its more than 100 factories - and become carbon-neutral in all global operations by 2030.
Three years or less estimated payback time for all investments related to carbon neutrality. |

Our three-step decarbonization approach has proven to be an effective roadmap for industry to decarbonize their growth quickly and cost-efficiently with our solutions readily available.

Reduce, Reuse, Re-source
An intelligent and cost-efficient decarbonization approach. Danfoss Sustainability Paper No. 1.