SVS Variant Configurator
The new SVS multilevel configurator is faster, more user-friendly, and will help reduce potential errors when configuring SVS products. It’s accessible today through Danfoss Design Centre to our Distribution customers globally.
At Danfoss, we continuously strive to enhance and transform the digital experience for our customers and now we are excited to announce the release of our new Spool Valve Solutions (SVS) Variant Configurator. This end-to-end design tool, which is a three-level valve stack configurator, containing valve level, section level and module level, enables the configuration of the PVG proportional valve series. Try it out for yourself today on Design Center
Key features
- Consists of two configurators: SVS product configurator & SVS spec-sheet validator
- Enables the configuration of PVG16, PVG32, PVG48, PVG100, PVG128, PVG256
- Request print specification
- Request new material numbers
- Request 3D models & drawings
- Request build center numbers
- Automatic validation