Energy metering in residential buildings
In Multi-family apartment buildings and Housing associations owned Single-family houses, heat - and where relevant cooling - meters are used to identify how much energy has been consumed by each occupant. Registering the energy consumption allows fair and more accurate energy cost allocation. It also raises the awareness among the occupants to lower their consumption and by that increase the buildings’ energy efficiency and save on their energy costs.
Therefore every apartment can be equipped with an energy meter. These are so called ‘secondary side meters’. Danfoss offers high quality ultrasonic meters that can be mounted in the flow or return pipe. The meters offer a new level of installation and commissioning simplicity by using a special App. The meters can be readout fast and easy by combing the App with a hand-held wireless radio receiver. Occupants don’t need to be at home in order to register their energy consumption, a simple ‘walk by’ the meters is sufficient to register the data.
Sometimes also primary side meters are used. They register the total amount of heating or cooling energy provided to, or generated in, the apartment building.

Energy metering in commercial buildings
In commercial buildings with multiple occupants the use of heat and cool meters is increasingly popular. They are used for sub-metering to determine the amount of energy (heating / cooling or domestic hot water) is consumed by each occupant. Registering the energy consumption allows fair and more accurate energy cost allocation. It also raises the awareness among the occupants to lower their consumption and by that increase the buildings’ energy efficiency and save on their energy costs.
Primary side meters register the total amount of heating or cooling energy provided to, or generated in, the building. Secondary side meters register the amount of energy consumed per occupant, floor or room in the building. The exact possibilities depend on the design of the HVAC system.
With a data collector, the energy consumption of up to 500 energy meters can be stored. The collector can also be connected with a cloud-based SaaS platform which allows remote access and use of the energy consumption data, e.g. for billing software or connection with a Building Management System (BMS). This Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) solution allows detailed insight into which parts of the building consume the most or least energy.
How we can help you
Full product portfolio
Ultrasonic meters for heating and cooling
Insight in energy consumption
Fair energy cost allocation
Increased awareness among occupants
Connection with billing or BMS systems

Danfoss Heat Meter SonoSelect™
See and learn how the newest Danfoss Heat Meter SonoSelect™ is made in our production facilities.
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if (isSmallPicture) {
; } else if (isBigColumns) { } else { }Energy metersDanfoss Sono® ultrasonic energy meters can be used to identify what amount of heating or cooling energy a house, apartment or building has consumed. These compact meters include an energy calculator to read out the consumption. Danfoss offers meters for heating and cooling applications, for primary and secondary side installation.
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