Truck, trailer and van refrigeration

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Monitor and manage perishable products

Danfoss refrigeration applications for trucks, trailers, and vans are designed to help monitor and manage perishable products such as foods, pharmaceuticals and chemicals. This application is one of the most challenging due to wide ranging box and ambient temperatures and the need to withstand extremely harsh conditions with high humidity and corrosive environments within truck, trailer and van refrigeration units.

Our solutions allow for superior control of temperature and humidity, preserving all types of perishable cargo. 

Danfoss components for truck, trailer and van refrigeration systems include compact expansion valves, ball valves, filter driers, pressure switches and regulators, and solenoid valves. Quiet, efficient, DC compressors minimize energy use and Danfoss components are designed for use with natural refrigerants. Additional components such as sight glasses and check valves also enable reliable performance and diagnostics. 

Features and benefits

Products suitable for use with all common refrigerants, including natural refrigerants

Superior temperature control

High energy efficiency

Reliable solutions, low operation and maintenance costs

Stainless steel components for higher performance, durability, and reliability

Compact, lightweight components

Compressors for Mobile Refrigeration

Compressors for mobile refrigeration

With our outstanding DC compressors for portable boxes, cars, vans, boats, trucks, etc., Danfoss has transcended the barriers for mobile refrigeration.

Related products

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Contact us

For further information please contact us.