The Human Rights are turning 70 years. More relevant than ever – also for Danfoss. Respecting human rights is basically about decency. Since our foundation in 1933 this has been part of the Danfoss DNA and, today, we safeguard this value”, says CEO and President of Danfoss, Kim Fausing.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. This simple yet radical idea is enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The declaration saw the light of day on December 10, 1948, in the wake of the WW2 darkness.
For 70 years, the Human Rights have been the moral compass for the world and they are a cornerstone in the UN Global Compact which Danfoss is strongly committed to.
Through our sustainability efforts, we comply with the ten Principles of the Compact – which cover human rights, labor rights, the environment, and anti-corruption.
We continue to support the Global Compact as a governing principle in our sustainability efforts and are actively engaged in national Global Compact networks.
“It’s important for Danfoss as a global company that the Human Rights are respected because it provides stable conditions for doing business. Ensuring proper conditions for our employees makes us a respected and attractive employer. To respect human’s rights is basically about decency. Since our foundation in 1933, this has been part of the Danfoss DNA and, today, we safeguard this value”, says CEO and President of Danfoss, Kim Fausing.
”The Right to Health is a basic human right and it is also a key priority for Danfoss. We want our employees to go to work without getting injured or ill, so we protect them”, says Malene Østergård, Director Ethics and Human Rights, Danfoss.
In 2018, Danfoss has deployed the company’s processes for human rights due diligence and integration in Russia and Latin America as a part of our commitment to live up to the UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights. Danfoss’ due diligence process is focused on building capacity to handle human rights aspects in the regions where we do business, thereby ensuring local ownership.
During this process, human rights are assessed on country level and compared to actual practice. This forms the baseline for assessing, prioritizing and mitigating potential human rights issues, and the outcome of this process are action plans addressing the actual or potential impacts on human rights.
Read more about our ethics and human rights.

Engineering the world of Tomorrow
Danfoss engineers advanced technologies that enable us to build a better, smarter and more efficient tomorrow. In the world’s growing cities, we ensure the supply of fresh food and optimal comfort in our homes and offices, while meeting the need for energy efficient infrastructure, connected systems and integrated renewable energy.
Our solutions are used in areas such as refrigeration, air conditioning, heating, motor control and mobile machinery.
Our innovative engineering dates back to 1933 and today Danfoss holds market-leading positions, employing more than 26,000 and serving customers in more than 100 countries. We are privately held by the founding family.