In Danfoss, we are on a continuous sustainability journey. Throughout it, we are committed to responsible environmental, social, and governance (ESG) actions. To be transparent and accountable to our employees and the public, we make reports, policies, and procedures, and other documents available on our website. Find reports and documents by using the links below.
Sustainability reports l CDP reports l ESG ratings
We work to prevent pollution and manage our use of resources efficiently to minimize the environmental impact of our activities. We apply preventive measures and a risk-based approach to ensure continuous improvement of our environmental performance. On our product compliance page you will find policies and positions papers in relation to our environmental impact.
Danfoss’ foundation is our high-performing, and diverse teams. The Danfoss DNA and Behaviors are part of our foundation and safeguard the essence of Danfoss. They determine what we do and how we act. For more information, find our Ethics handbook, Modern Slavery Act Statement, and our ethics hotline on our ethics and human rights page.
Our policies on business conduct ensure that our efforts are ethical and systematic, supported by documented procedures, and governed by strong accountability and responsibility for action. We recognize that we do not only carry a responsibility for our own processes, but we can also affect those we cooperate with. Visit our supplier requirements to find Supplier Quality Manual and other relevant documents.
Sustainability reports
- Sustainability Report 2020
- Sustainability Report 2019
- Sustainability Report 2018
- Sustainability Report 2017
- Sustainability Report 2016
Danfoss has published environmental or sustainability reports since 1995.
CDP reports
Danfoss has reported the company’s carbon emissions to Carbon Disclosure Project since 2009.
Climate Change:
- Climate Change 2024
- Climate Change 2023
- Climate Change 2022
- Climate Change 2021
- Climate Change 2020
- Climate Change 2019
Water Security:
ESG ratings
Danfoss is regularly assessed by rating agencies on our ESG performance. Below is the list of ESG ratings and rankings that Danfoss discloses.
Carbon Disclosure Project
CDP is a global disclosure system for investors, companies, cities, states, and regions to manage environmental impacts. In 2022, we improved our rating and achieved a B score on a scale from D- to A. Our CDP report is publicly available, and we aim to further improve our rating.
Sustainalytics is a global leader in research and ratings, specifically measuring companies’ exposure to ESG risks and how well they manage them on a scale from 1-100. Danfoss has a risk rating of 23.2 ranked as 113th among 580 within our industry.
EcoVadis is a global collaborative platform providing sustainability ratings for procurers. Danfoss has been awarded a silver medal as a recognition of being among the top 15% of companies rated by EcoVadis in the Manufacture of general-purpose machinery industry.
Our positions and policies
This document includes policies on these topics:
Environment, Health, and Safety
Health & Wellbeing
Human Rights
Ethics and Compliance
Product Compliance
- Supplier requirements
- Danfoss Code of Conduct for suppliers
- Policies and relevant documents on product compliance
- Policies and relevant documents on ethics and human rights