Remuneration of the Board of Directors and the CEO and CFO
The Board members are paid an annual remuneration which is fixed at the Annual General Meeting. In addition to this, some of the board members can receive remuneration for special duties; for example, as chairman of Board Committees. Remuneration paid is equivalent to levels received in similar-sized Danish companies. Remunerations are reviewed on an annual basis. For more information, download our remuneration guidelines.
The CEO and CFO have individual remuneration packages, which are reviewed annually in line with market practice for equally sized companies both nationally and internationally and approved by the Chairman. The CEO and CFO are remunerated with a package consisting of three main elements: a gross annual salary, a short-term incentive scheme and a long-term incentive scheme. Pension is included in the annual basic salary.
Download the articles of association and charter of the Audit Committee for Danfoss A/S.
Our statutory report on corporate governance
In accordance with the Danish Financial Statements Act, section 107b, Danfoss publishes its statutory report on corporate governance here on the website. Corporate governance reports are available in the archive below.