Leading the way in efficient solar and wind power conversion
As a technology leader in power conversion, Danfoss enables the world’s leading solar inverter and wind turbine manufacturers to deliver solutions that are designed to meet stringent efficiency, reliability and cost targets and ultimately lower the cost of renewable energy. We apply our advanced technologies and extensive experience to design, develop and manufacture customized power electronics solutions.
Harnessing the power of the sun and the wind
When it comes to renewable power generation, a lot has changed in the past decades. Society is gradually moving away from fossil fuels and towards renewable power generation. Both wind and solar energy are increasingly becoming the preferred choices due to their limited impact on the environment. The transition towards renewable energy sources is being driven by different factors. Governments are imposing strict targets. These policies make green investments more attractive, driving technological developments which lower the cost of renewable energy.
Wind turbine generators and solar parks operate 24/7 and are exposed to extreme weather conditions. This calls for rugged equipment designed for heavy loads and high performance. When you partner with Danfoss, you instantly benefit from years of expertise creating rugged components which reliably serve their purpose in these conditions. You get access to world-leading expertise in power modules, thermal management, manufacturing and testing of power conversion equipment. We are positioned at the heart of efficiently converting renewable energy into reliable electricity, and our goals are simple. We aim to help you to get the most out of your wind turbine generator or solar inverter. Ultimately, our goal is to help you reduce the cost of electricity.
Lowering the cost of electricity

Supporting the transition to a greener future, a critical element is the financial return on renewable energy investments. When investing in renewable energy systems, one criterion stands out. The Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCoE) is the primary indicator of competitiveness. The key drivers behind LCoE can be attributed to the investment cost of the overall system. It also can be attributed to the the annual electricity yield (kE per year).
At Danfoss, we know that power electronics are essential to help solar inverter and wind turbine manufacturers maintain competitiveness. Danfoss provides support in reaching stringent cost and efficiency targets over the long term. That is why we consistently strive to design solutions that can make renewable energy solutions an even more attractive investment.
Optimizing efficiency for solar and wind power conversion
As a technology leader in power conversion, Danfoss empowers the world’s leading solar inverter and wind turbine manufacturers to deliver highly competitive solutions. These solutions are designed to meet stringent efficiency, reliability and cost targets. They are also designed to ultimately lower the cost of renewable energy. We apply our advanced technologies and extensive experience to design, develop and manufacture customized power electronics solutions.
Danfoss’ range of innovative technologies for customized products is implemented in a wide range of renewable applications:
Solar inverters, both string inverters and central inverters
Wind power converters
Battery energy storage systems
Danfoss offers customized power electronics which are fitted to your exact mission profile and requirements, including:
insulated-gate bipolar transistor modules (IGBT modules)
metal-oxide semiconductor field effect transistor modules (MOSFET modules)
silicon carbide power modules (SiC power modules)
power stacks
Power modules: The building blocks of power conversion
Different power converter topologies, application requirements and design philosophies each lead to different power module load profiles. This means that the design and cooling of these modules must be based on calculations based on the load cycles resulting from the power converter configuration.
At Danfoss we understand that efficient power conversion starts at the power module level. Selecting the right power semiconductor to package is important: IGBT, MOSFET or diode? Making the correct choice can reduce the overall power losses which therefore has a direct influence on the power output efficiency. This also has an impact on the reliability and cost. We will support you to select the right one for your requirements.
Power stack: Power conversion for larger power systems
A power stack is a high-quality power conversion assembly. It is a major building block in applications such as wind power conversion. For larger scale power systems, Danfoss develops customized power stacks. Modular design and custom tailoring ensures customers benefit from having their own individually designed product.
Related solutions
if (isSmallPicture) {
; } else if (isBigColumns) { } else { }Wind turbinesInformation about the range of Danfoss Industrial Automation products recommended for wind turbine applications. Find documentation and technical specifications.
Related applications
if (isSmallPicture) {
; } else if (isBigColumns) { } else { }Solar invertersToday, Danfoss works together with some of the world's most innovative and successful solar inverter manufacturers with a common mission of lowering the cost of solar energy enabling a transition to a more sustainable future
if (isSmallPicture) {
; } else if (isBigColumns) { } else { }Wind power conversionThe Danfoss power stacks reliably convert the kinetic energy from the wind turbine blades into a form that can be fed directly into the electrical power grid. This ensures that maximum energy is harvested from your wind turbine whilst offering durable and dependable electricity supply.
Related products
if (isSmallPicture) {
; } else if (isBigColumns) { } else { }Power StacksThe Danfoss power stack is a high-quality power conversion assembly, which is the main building block in any power conversion system. Based on modular design and custom tailoring to the mission profile, customers benefit from having their own, individually designed product.