Discover the hidden energy efficiency champions in your building

Hidden energy efficiency champions

Do you know the energy efficiency champions in your building?

Energy is and will remain expensive. In addition, companies must reduce CO₂ emissions as part of their ESG targets. Many companies therefore invest in renewable energies such as photovoltaics on the roof or purchase green electricity. But is that enough? Discover the hidden energy efficiency champions in your building with the new online tool. You will learn which settings will save you the most energy, costs and emissions at the same time.

By the way, the example building in our online tool has the same dimensions as the Danfoss production site in Graasten, Denmark. All value quantities of the savings and the related calculations are related to the dimensions of this building. Start playing your energy efficiency match now!

The compilation of information in this tool is based on internal calculations based on the dimensions of a Danfoss building. Actual potential savings always depend on the actual operating and environmental conditions. The information can therefore only be used as a guideline for the energy efficiency of a drive system. The information cannot replace technical advice, is not a promise of energy or emission savings and should not be used as accurate data or analyses. The information is provided ‘as is’ without warranty of any kind and does not guarantee the completeness, timeliness or accuracy of the information. The use of this tool does not release the user from any obligations or duties that may arise from the legislation applicable to the activities to which this document has been or is intended to be applied.