Refrigerants from a Danfoss perspective
Intelligent solutions, combining high energy efficiency and low-GWP refrigerants, both natural and synthetic, are the road to sustainable refrigeration and air conditioning.
Danfoss takes a proactive approach to further the development and use of low-GWP refrigerants to help abate global warming and to ensure the competitiveness of the industry.
Danfoss invests in development of products for low-GWP refrigerants, to fulfill customers’ needs for practical, safe and energy efficient solutions. Our product portfolio already offers a full program of control components for CO2, ammonia and hydrocarbons.
According to the International Institute of Refrigeration, refrigeration technology and air conditioning take up about 15 % of the electricity consumption worldwide, making the quest for energy efficient solutions ever more relevant. The Danfoss product range is constantly developed to offer state-of-the-art energy efficiency in every component, from compressors to heat exchangers and everything in between.
Obtaining sustainable solutions is a fine balance between affordability, safety and environmental concerns. Based on our long-standing, sustainable mindset and our dedication to pioneering new technologies, we consciously frontier new developments.
Learn more:

A wide portfolio for lower GWP refrigerants
Our portfolio for low-GWP refrigerants is continuously expanding. Take a deep dive in this brochure and contact Danfoss for more information.

Refrigerant options, now and in the future
This whitepaper discusses the global trends within refrigeration and air conditioning. It will help you understand current and future refrigerants and technologies, with focus on global warming potential, energy consumption, and system efficiency. Download it now to stay ahead of the curve.