Integrate your Danfoss VLT Drive into Rockwell RS Studio 5000

Friday, June 30, 2023

Danfoss Drives integrate easily into Rockwell Studio 5000 giving you the freedom to chose the components that work best for your system. Watch as we walk through the integration steps in under 3 minutes. You may download files used in the video below:

PLC files

Fieldbus configuration files

Additional links and downloads:

Longer format integration video

Add-on Instructions - Search for:  VLT® AOI for Rockwell Studio 5000

EDS Files - Search for: VLT® Drives EtherNet/IP EDS  


The purpose of changing the IO connection name is to change the word size from 2 integers to 10 to meet the proper communication specifications for Danfoss drives.

The last steps after defining the tag name are linking the COMM_STATUS and PCDREAD/WRITE to the drive we've connected through our EtherNet/IP connection.

You can integrate any Danfoss VLT® drive into the RSLogix 5000 environment v20 or greater using the steps outlined in the video, while taking care to ensure the EDS file you use matches your product.

Please refer to our technical documentation, or for information on the FC301, which was used as an example in this video, refer to