Refrigeration Solutions for Display Cases and cold rooms

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Case and cold room solutions

Accurate temperature and operation control of display cases and cold rooms are vital for high-quality and safe food products. You have several options to achieve optimum operating conditions of display cases and cold rooms. You can choose either remote control, i.e. connected to a separate compressor rack/pack and condenser, or you can opt for a self-contained unit, where the entire system including compressor and condenser is housed in the unit.

No matter what solution you prefer, Danfoss provides all you need in terms of components and application expertise.

Features and benefits

Innovative solutions to improve energy efficiency

Low installation and operating costs thanks to long lifetime components and advanced communications capabilities

Unsurpassed expertise with natural refrigerants to achieve safe and efficient solutions

Field- and electronically-delivered services partnering with end-users to deliver projects that save energy and maintenance costs

Food safety through controllers equipped with HACCP reporting capabilities to track and improve performance

Evaporator Controller - ADAP-KOOL - Danfoss

The full range of Evaporator Controls from ADAP-KOOL®

ADAP-KOOL® case controllers offer highly efficient adaptive routines for each cabinet and cold room installation guaranteeing significant energy savings and early warning alarms to avoid potential food loss.

Related products

  • if (isSmallPicture) { NRV refrigeration check valves - Danfoss; } else if (isBigColumns) { NRV refrigeration check valves - Danfoss } else { NRV refrigeration check valves - Danfoss }
    NRV refrigeration check valves

    NRV and NRVH can be used in liquid, suction and hot gas lines in refrigeration and air conditioning plants with fluorinated refrigerants. NRV and NRVH can be supplied with flare and solder connections. They are also available with oversize solder connections providing flexibility in the use of check valves.

  • if (isSmallPicture) { Refrigeration compressors - Danfoss; } else if (isBigColumns) { Refrigeration compressors - Danfoss } else { Refrigeration compressors - Danfoss }
    Compressors for refrigeration

    Danfoss focuses on providing energy efficient, sustainable and smart refrigeration compressors for a varied range of commercial applications such as cold rooms, display windows, ice making machines, glass door merchandizers, process cooling etc. Their qualification with lower GWP refrigerants make them compliant with refrigerant regulations such as F-Gas in Europe.

  • if (isSmallPicture) { GBC shut-off ball valves - Danfoss; } else if (isBigColumns) { GBC shut-off ball valves - Danfoss } else { GBC shut-off ball valves - Danfoss }
    Shut-off ball valves for refrigeration, GBC

    GBC ball valves are manually operated shut-off valves suitable for applications where bi-directional flow is a requirement.  GBC valves are approved for applications in liquid, suction, and hot gas lines in refrigeration and air conditioning systems.

  • if (isSmallPicture) {  AKVH electric expansion valves - Danfoss; } else if (isBigColumns) {  AKVH electric expansion valves - Danfoss } else {  AKVH electric expansion valves - Danfoss }
    AKV electric expansion valves

    AKV are electrically operated expansion valves designed for refrigerating plants. The AKV valves are normally controlled by a controller from Danfoss’ range of ADAP-KOOL® controllers.

Case studies

  • if (isSmallPicture) { Russia’s first transcritical CO₂ hypermarket Danfoss; } else if (isBigColumns) { Russia’s first transcritical CO₂ hypermarket Danfoss } else { Russia’s first transcritical CO₂ hypermarket Danfoss }
    Russia’s first transcritical CO₂ hypermarket

    In Voskresensk, Russian retailer Magnit has opened the first hypermarket in Russia using a transcritical booster refrigeration system with carbon dioxide (CO₂) — an eco-friendly and natural refrigerant.

  • if (isSmallPicture) { Supermarket danfoss; } else if (isBigColumns) { Supermarket danfoss } else { Supermarket danfoss }
    Engineering a cool supermarket with Danfoss technology

    As part of the luxury shopping mall Paseo La Galeria, Danfoss has supplied a refrigeration control system for the supermarket “Superseis”, including systems management for better energy efficiency in the food refrigeration application.

  • if (isSmallPicture) { Smart store brought to life at irish service stations; } else if (isBigColumns) { Smart store brought to life at irish service stations } else { Smart store brought to life at irish service stations }
    Smart store brought to life at Irish service stations

    With 230 service stations around the country, Maxol Group is the leading family-owned oil company in Ireland. Beginning in 2014, Maxol stations underwent a transformation that placed increased focus on the customer experience, offering high-end snack products and convenience shopping to people on the-go. During this transformation, Maxol wanted to upgrade refrigeration, lighting and HVAC to support store ambience, ensure food safety and save on energy bills.

  • if (isSmallPicture) { Italy's largest hypermarket Danfoss; } else if (isBigColumns) { Italy's largest hypermarket Danfoss } else { Italy's largest hypermarket Danfoss }
    Italy's largest hypermarket opts for CO₂ refrigeration

    The use of transcritical CO₂ refrigeration in warm climates has been a hot topic for years. In Milan, the brand new 10,000 m² Iper market is a pioneer in CO₂ refrigeration using ejector technology to enhance efficiency in temperatures up to 38 °C.

  • if (isSmallPicture) { A case study on ejector efficiency based on four test sites Danfoss; } else if (isBigColumns) { A case study on ejector efficiency based on four test sites Danfoss } else { A case study on ejector efficiency based on four test sites Danfoss }
    A case study on ejector efficiency based on four test sites

    The F-gas regulation in Europe and similar legislation in other parts of the world push for low-GWP solutions in food retail refrigeration. CO₂ is proving to be one of the most efficient low-GWP refrigerants thanks to the unique properties of the gas combined with technological discoveries that pave the way for optimum utilization of these properties.

  • if (isSmallPicture) { What’s your response to refrigerant legislation?; } else if (isBigColumns) { What’s your response to refrigerant legislation? } else { What’s your response to refrigerant legislation? }
    What’s your response to refrigerant legislation?

    All over the world, the phase-down of conventional HFCs in food retail applications has become the center of attention in the effort to combat climate change. Most recently, at the meetings of the parties under the Montreal protocol in Dubai where qualitative global phase-down of HFCs was agreed with a target of quantifying the details in 2016.

Contact us

For further information, please contact us.