Energy Efficient HVAC Chiller Solutions

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Better chillers - from the inside out

The constant innovation in chiller design is driven by new demands for energy efficiency, local regulations and standards such as LEED, combined with requirements for new, low GWP refrigerants.

Increasing population, level of comfort and high penetration of IT technologies are putting strong pressure on electric grids and driving up overall energy consumption.  

The next generations of chillers and HVAC for new builds as well as retrofits are designed to meet new standards. The revolution in the A/C market opens up new opportunities. To meet the needs of an increasingly complex HVAC market, our extensive range of components offer functional benefits and savings throughout the lifecycle of the chiller system from development and operating costs to servicing and maintenance.

Danfoss can offer different options for meeting these requirements in air-cooled and water-cooled chillers, using scroll, centrifugal or screw technology, with excellent technical support from our expert teams. Compressors can be configured as tandems, trios or using inverter or Turbocor technology. With our electric expansion valves, controllers and sensors we can supply you with the right solutions for a highly efficient air conditioning system that responds quickly to variable operating conditions ensuring constant user comfort.

Chiller case stories - Danfoss

Case studies

Danfoss products and solutions make up to 70% of chiller systems and bring multiple benefits for OEMs, consulting engineers and building owners in various industries and building types. Explore the case stories here.

Features and benefits

All you need in one place, delivered by highly experienced air conditioning experts

High energy efficiency

Products optimized for environmentally friendly, low GWP refrigerants

Reduced applied costs and short payback times

Dedicated technical and customer service around the world

Eco labelling options

Chiller brochure - building - Danfoss

More chiller info?

Building water-cooled and air-cooled chillers with Danfoss products and solutions enables you to optimize energy efficiency, reduce development time and obtain reliable performance for multiple chiller platform types and uses.

Variable Speed fan and modular chillers

Variable Speed fan and modular chillers

Is variable fan speed the answer to part-load efficiency in modular air-cooled chillers and heat pumps? Read this article based on lab tests


Features and benefits

All you need in one place, delivered by highly experienced air conditioning experts

High energy efficiency

Products optimized for environmentally friendly, low GWP refrigerants

Reduced applied costs and short payback times

Dedicated technical and customer service around the world

Eco labelling options

Related products

  • if (isSmallPicture) { NRV refrigeration check valves - Danfoss; } else if (isBigColumns) { NRV refrigeration check valves - Danfoss } else { NRV refrigeration check valves - Danfoss }
    NRV refrigeration check valves

    NRV and NRVH can be used in liquid, suction and hot gas lines in refrigeration and air conditioning plants with fluorinated refrigerants. NRV and NRVH can be supplied with flare and solder connections. They are also available with oversize solder connections providing flexibility in the use of check valves.

  • if (isSmallPicture) { Compressors for air conditioning and heating - Danfoss; } else if (isBigColumns) { Compressors for air conditioning and heating - Danfoss } else { Compressors for air conditioning and heating - Danfoss }
    Compressors for air conditioning & heating

    Compressors for air conditioning, providing enhanced comfort, efficiency and sustainability for rooftops and chillers, commercial applications with refrigerants R410A, R407C, R134a and R22.

  • if (isSmallPicture) { Turbocor - Danfoss; } else if (isBigColumns) { Turbocor - Danfoss } else { Turbocor - Danfoss }

    Danfoss is the leading manufacturer of oil free compressors and is the pioneer of the Danfoss Turbocor® compressor - the world’s first oil-free magnetic bearing compressor for the HVAC industry.

  • if (isSmallPicture) { Refrigeration compressors - Danfoss; } else if (isBigColumns) { Refrigeration compressors - Danfoss } else { Refrigeration compressors - Danfoss }
    Compressors for refrigeration

    Danfoss focuses on providing energy efficient, sustainable and smart refrigeration compressors for a varied range of commercial applications such as cold rooms, display windows, ice making machines, glass door merchandizers, process cooling etc. Their qualification with lower GWP refrigerants make them compliant with refrigerant regulations such as F-Gas in Europe.

  • if (isSmallPicture) { GBC shut-off ball valves - Danfoss; } else if (isBigColumns) { GBC shut-off ball valves - Danfoss } else { GBC shut-off ball valves - Danfoss }
    Shut-off ball valves for refrigeration, GBC

    GBC ball valves are manually operated shut-off valves suitable for applications where bi-directional flow is a requirement.  GBC valves are approved for applications in liquid, suction, and hot gas lines in refrigeration and air conditioning systems.

Related solutions


Danfoss chillers online training program

Chillers training program

The HVACR: Chiller training program is designed to give better understanding of Chiller applications and their related solutions. Ready to get started?

Case studies


Contact us

For further information, please contact us.