Harmonics FAQ
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Why does harmonic distortion matter?
Did you know that network operators work hard daily, to bring us high-quality power in the electrical network? It’s an ongoing task to ensure that the power delivered to our homes and factories is clean alternating current, free of harmonic distortion.
When drawing power from the network, the network supply can become distorted by the loads that are connected to it. This power distortion includes harmonic components.
For factories and other industries, harmonics and other power distortions cause problems that cost money, such as:
- Damage to critical equipment for example by overheating, which can reduce equipment lifespan and lead to malfunction or failure
- Higher energy bills due to poor efficiency and charges for the additional distortion, resulting in lower profitability
- Difficulty in meeting targets for productivity and climate
- Unreliable power supply due to poor power quality in the network in general
Consequences of harmonic distortion
Harmonics FAQ
How do AC drives affect harmonics?
AC drives bring a multitude of benefits to your system, especially in reduced energy consumption. At the same time, they generate more harmonics - and can also mitigate these harmonics produced. The reason to use AC drives is that their benefits far outweigh the drawbacks of harmonics produced. Discover the benefits in this video.

AC drives: The best way to reduce energy consumption
AC drives, also known as variable speed drives (VSDs) or variable frequency drives (VFDs), offer the best way to de-carbonize your operation and meet your carbon neutrality targets. These drives regulate electric motors to reduce energy consumption dramatically. They also bring controllability, repeatability, and resilience to industrial processes.
Drives are an integral part of the modern industrial landscape, bringing enormous benefits:
- Process quality levels rely upon regulation by drives
- Adaptable process line throughput is only achievable using drives
- Variable demands on water supplies or HVACR ventilation can only be managed using drives
- Modern industrial and commercial facilities can only operate efficiently by controlling electric motors properly, which requires use of a drive

New-build projects and upgrades to existing systems
New installations can reduce energy consumption by equipping each application with AC drive control. Upgrading existing direct-on-line (DOL) or fixed speed installations to drives is the best way to achieve greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction goals 1]. Upgrading to high-efficiency motors helps even more.
1] OMDIA COP26 global report: If all fans and pumps globally were equipped with VSDs, the savings would equal the entire power generation capacity of the EU. By employing drives, GHG emissions can reduce by 40% by the year 2040.

There are many ways to reduce total harmonic distortion. Danfoss helps you find the best
There is a lot of money to save, and many other benefits. to be won, by mitigating harmonics properly. However, there is no single solution for all scenarios. It’s a matter of selecting the best method for each individual installation. In some cases, you can achieve compliance with no mitigation at all, so don't buy what you don’t need!
Consider dealing with a manufacturer that understands the challenges and can offer you the best advice for your exact system and circumstances. Danfoss offers the widest range of solutions to mitigate harmonic distortion, in high or low power range, compatible with any motor technology, to suit any situation. We help you to find the most efficient and economical solution.
Modern drives (and filters) from Danfoss can mitigate harmonics and manage the harder issues like supra harmonics and common mode. There is no single solution for all scenarios. Have questions? We can help.
The full range of harmonic mitigation solutions includes:
- Built-in chokes in the AC drive, integrated in the standalone drive or enclosed drive cabinet
- Passive solutions, including 12-pulse and 18-pulse drives, passive filters, and low harmonic drives
- Active solutions, including active filters and ultra-low harmonic drives
For planners: To find the optimal mitigation solution try our digital tool, MyDrive® Harmonics.