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  • Turning today’s farmers into tomorrow’s global suppliers

    At Danfoss, we believe in engineering the food supply for tomorrow and we take pride in partnering with Pagro Foods in transforming the lives of many farmers.

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    Danfoss Heating assists Nantes with massive reduction on CO2 emissions

    FRANCE: A new heating network makes the French city Nantes capable of reducing 17,000 tons of CO2 per year. The project takes place in several steps and includes schools, administrative buildings, a nursery and 7,400 residential apartments.

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    First step towards smart city in Poland

    The city of Słupsk and Danfoss have signed an agreement to build a vision for the city as smart and highly energy-efficient. First step taken.

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    Nordhavn – Denmark’s energy lab of the future

    DENMARK: Scandinavia’s biggest urban development project is rising in Copenhagen. It’s a lab for future smart energy technologies and an opportunity for Danfoss to demonstrate the art of intelligent and climate-friendly heating and cooling.

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    How to reach a water wonderland

    DENMARK: Denmark aims to be the first country in the world with a carbon-neutral water utility sector. Over the last five years, energy consumption in the Danish water utility sector has plummeted by 20% - and the Danes have now even managed to create the first energy-neutral catchment area in the world.

  • if (isSmallPicture) { Cities hold the key to sustainable growth; } else if (isBigColumns) { Cities hold the key to sustainable growth } else { Cities hold the key to sustainable growth }
    Cities hold the key to sustainable growth

    Over the next 33 years, urban areas of the world will need to provide space for another 2.5 billion people. More than 200,000 new urban dwellers per day will take a massive toll on the cities. But, with connected, flexible and future-proof smart buildings and energy systems we can increase urban efficiency and grow our cities sustainability.