Climate change is one of the foremost global challenges we are facing in the 21st century.
The average carbon footprint as per global standards is 4 tons. To reduce the chances of global temperature rising by 2℃, and for long-term sustainability, the average carbon footprint needs to be brought below 2 tons by the target year 2050. The increasing cost of energy and the strict government regulations to cut down CO2 emissions are forcing businesses to implement solutions that make their processes more energy efficient.
How do VFDs help in lowering carbon footprint?
Variable Frequency Drives (VFD) have proved to have a significant impact in reducing carbon emissions worldwide through precise and efficient control of electric motors and reducing energy costs by up to 50% in some cases.
Danfoss is a global market leader in Variable Frequency Drives. We provide you with technology solutions that enable your business to succeed in this rapidly transforming world. Danfoss is committed to providing high-quality Drives customized to your requirements through our top-class experts. We have a wide-ranging portfolio, consisting of VLT and VACON Drives.
VFD modulates the supplied power to match the energy requirement of the equipment being driven, eventually optimizing the energy consumption of your system. In comparison to direct-on-line (DOL) operation (where the equipment runs at full speed regardless of the power demand), our technologically advanced drives can drastically reduce the energy consumption of your overall system by up to 40%. Hence, the use of Variable Frequency Drives lowers the carbon footprint of your systems.
Most of our drives are integrated with harmonic mitigation and follow all the Electro-Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) requirements to guarantee a high-quality, clean power supply to your business functions.
Variable Frequency Drives (VFD) Applications
Along with contributing towards energy efficiency, VFDs aid in extending the lifespan of the motors. These Drives use soft-start functions, where the motor speed can be ramped up gradually preventing the mechanical stress on the motor system. This helps to avoid frequent breakdowns, lowering the cost of maintenance, and enhancing the motor’s lifecycle.
With the implementation of our VFD technological solutions, you can also achieve improved process control. On upgrading your motor systems using Danfoss VFDs, your motor speeds can be modulated as per the varying load conditions, which brings about efficiency in your process control.
With our unique back-channel cooling techniques, you can reduce the need for additional cooling requirements for equipment & infrastructure. Hence, lowering the amount of carbon emissions and energy consumption.
Our range of drives solution is optimized to provide excellent functionality in harsh environments like mining, offshore, oil & gas, and other heavyweight industries.
In Conclusion
We, at Danfoss, are ambitious to achieve carbon-neutrality in all our global operations by 2030. Using our cutting-edge HVAC technologies, the Application Development Center (ADC) in India lowered its energy consumption up to 30% than conventional technologies
Heavy industries such as chemical, pharma, marine, which have higher emission rates, can lower their carbon emissions and reduce the total cost of ownership (TCO) with Danfoss energy-efficient drives technology. By 2025, over 5 billion people (more than half of the estimated world population) would directly or indirectly benefit through the technology solutions provided by Danfoss Drives in their everyday lives. Reach us to reduce your carbon footprint. To know more about our products, write to us at danfoss.india@danfoss.com