Our approach to sustainability

We strive to be a reliable and trustworthy business partner by creating the greatest and most sustainable value for all our stakeholders while acting responsibly and balancing financial, environmental and social issues.

Danfoss Headquarter side view

Our sustainability policy

  • We engage with our stakeholders to promote sustainable development.
  • We ensure that sustainability is a fundamental element of our business conduct, focusing on resource efficiency, risk mitigation, reputation and engagement.
  • We do our utmost to implement decisions and actions with dignity and fairness and commit to ensuring that all employees comply with local and international legislation.
  • We commit to ensuring that all employees comply with local and international legislation.

Danfoss Business Conduct Policy

List of Danfoss Policies


The Danfoss sustainability program

The aim of our sustainability program is to ensure sustainable and responsible business conduct.

It is the foundation of our in-house focus on sustainability, providing guidance within our prioritized focus areas: “Business and Products” and “People and Communities”.

The sustainability program and Danfoss’ general approach to sustainability, ethics and compliance is described in our Introduction to Sustainability at Danfoss.

We support Global Compact

Danfoss has been a participant of the UN Global Compact since 2002.

Through our sustainability efforts, we comply with the ten principles of the Compact – which covers human rights, labor rights, the environment and anti-corruption.

We continue to support the Global Compact as a governing principle in our sustainability efforts and are actively engaged in national Global Compact networks.

Our annual Sustainability Report serves as Danfoss’ Communication on Progress to UN Global Compact.

Accelerating on SDGs to engineer a better future

The Sustainable Development Goals take a broad perspective and are relevant worldwide. We focus on how we can contribute to the Global Goals - globally and locally, commercially and politically. They fit well into our business context and, because we have a broad range of products within climate and energy, we have chosen to focus on four of the Global Goals.

SDG 7 is at the center of everything we do – it is the opportunity for us to set the focus on climate action through our products and manufacturing processes. Our passion for energy efficiency and electrification is directly linked to four of the Sustainable Development Goals – SDG 6, SDG 7, SDG 11 and SDG 12 – these are the areas where we consider our products and solutions to have the highest impact.

SDG 6 & 7

SDG 6: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.
We provide solutions with optimized energy consumption for water and wastewater handling, and desalination, which is important in water-scarce areas. Our technology helps to reduce water loss in city pipes networks and secure more efficient water use within food production.

SDG 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all.
To reach carbon neutrality, energy-efficient technology and renewables must be implemented together and on a large scale. We must not only turn our energy supply green but decouple economic growth from energy demand. An enabler for the energy transition is electrification. Danfoss engineers solutions for an electrified mobility sector on land and sea.

SDG 11 & 12

SDG 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable.
We provide energy-efficient solutions for sustainable buildings, heating and cooling, district energy systems and electric transport to develop carbon-neutral cities as the world’s first responders to the climate emergency. 

SDG 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
With a growing population, consumers are demanding more, safer and healthier food. This means that the need for efficient and effective food supply and cold chain management has never been more important. We offer technologies that enable the reduction of post-harvest food losses and ensure perfect conditions from farm to fork.

Community engagement

We contribute to improving the knowledge of sustainability in society and to engage in the development of the local communities in which we operate.

We play an active role in our community through sponsorships, involvement in trade organizations, and through participation in social work. For example, colleagues take action and make a difference in their local communities by packaging relief boxes, helping out in local soup kitchens, or supporting a nearby schools.

These initiatives are organized through local Danfoss projects around the globe and in association with our foundations. These initiatives are organized through local Danfoss projects around the globe