Safety in Danfoss!
At Danfoss, people come first. Across our global organization, we strive to create a safe work environment and continuously improve the health and well-being of our colleagues.
Our Environment, Health, and Safety Policy guides our efforts to continuously ensure the safety of our people. Additionally, our focus is also directed towards external parties, including contractors and suppliers, who are informed of our safety standards and expected to help reduce accidents and prevent negative impacts at work.
Danfoss’ global “Safety First!” program is our systematic approach to a safe workplace. The program enhances the focus on safety for all Danfoss employees, visitors, and people working within our value chain.
Engagement was a key focus area for our safety efforts during 2023 when we launched our “Spot the Hazard” campaign during Safety Week 2023 to help our employees and people leaders engage proactively in daily safety activities. The campaign fueled a steady improvement in our safety KPIs, and related discussions reminded everyone to stay focused on safety during daily work tasks.
The initiative gained momentum across locations in 2023 and leaders will continue participating in daily safety walks in 2024 to experience how safe work practices are applied on the shop floor, sending a strong signal that safety is a business priority. Leaders drove safety discussions on relevant topics, and potential hazards were continuously identified and mitigated.

Reducing the Lost Time Injuries
We are proud to continuously improve our efforts to ensure safety in the workplace.
In 2023, Danfoss reached another record-low Lost Time Injury Frequency (LTIF) of 1.2. Our Total Recordable Injury Frequency (TRIF), combining the number of Lost Time Injuries and Medical Treatment Injuries, ended at 2.1, equivalent to a 25% reduction from last year.

Chemical management
Exposure to hazardous chemicals can be a risk to human health and the environment. In 2022 we launched a new digital system to manage chemicals across Danfoss. Using this system, all chemicals go through a screening process to ensure regulatory compliance in the country of usage, as well as internal compliance with our own list of unwanted harmful chemicals. Not only will the new system help to ensure proper management and reduce the risk of exposure to potential harm, but it will also allow for better knowledge sharing on substitutions to less harmful substances. The roll out of the new system across the entire organization will be completed in 2023.

Annual report 2023
Our integrated annual report gives our stakeholders a holistic view of Danfoss’ business, value drivers, strategy, governance, and performance. It combines key information on our financial, sustainability and ESG-related performance.