
Danfoss A/S is an unlisted family and foundation-owned private company and the parent company of the Danfoss Group.

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The share capital of Danfoss A/S amounts to DKK 997 million and is divided into two share classes: Class A shares accounting for DKK 425 million and Class B shares accounting for DKK 572 million. Class A shares give rights to ten votes per DKK 100 share (nominal value), whereas Class B shares give rights to one vote per DKK 100 share (nominal value). Furthermore, owners of Class A shares have a pre-emption right to A-shares in the event of share capital increases. No other shares carry special rights.

Bitten & Mads Clausen’s Foundation and the Clausen family hold all issued A-shares and several B-shares corresponding to 99.86% of the votes. The controlling shareholders have entered into a shareholder agreement to ensure a stable future ownership structure.

Employees and senior leaders in Danfoss have, on several occasions, been offered the opportunity to buy employee shares.

Since 2006, Danfoss shares have been registered with the Danish Securities Centre (Værdipapircentralen). This means that the shares are generally not subject to trading restrictions or obligations. However, up until now, in practice Danfoss A/S has bought back shares, which holders have wished to realize at the price in force at the time in question.

Go to the Shareholder Portal.

The rules governing the convening and the holding of the general meeting is laid down in Danfoss Articles of Association in Danish and in English

Danfoss has previously on two occasions offered shares to the employees. In addition, the Bitten & Mads Clausen’s Foundation in 2004 offered a total of 10,000 shares for sales via the so-called ”10,000 pool”. Shares from this pool can only be sold back to Danfoss in a period of three weeks following the Annual General Meeting in March.

Danfoss buys back employee shares when shareholders wish to realize them. There is only settlement once a month (around the second Monday) – except for July where settlement will take place during week 27 and for April where settlement will take place on the third Tuesday with deadline for sending the completed sales form on April 17, 2023. 

If the shares are in a Danske Bank deposit, please use one of the forms below:

Employee shares - Danish version
Employee shares - English version
Shares from the 10,000 pool – Danish version
Shares from the 10,000 pool - English version

The completed form must be returned to: 

Mail: Danfoss A/S, Legal Department, Nordborgvej 81, A839, DK-6430 Nordborg 
E-mail: shareholderrelations@danfoss.com

Provided that the form is received no later than on the second Monday of the month, the sales proceeds will be deposited on the cash account associated with the custody account as soon as Danske Bank has completed their mandatory KYC check.

For international transfers, please make sure to provide the following information when you submit the form. You may use the template for proof of identity: 

  • SWIFT address of your bank 
  • Name and address of your bank 
  • IBAN and account number in your bank 
  • The account number in Danske Bank
  • Tax Identification Number (TIN-number) 
  • Currency in which payment shall be made
  • Copy of 2 of the following ID documentation: passport, driver’s license or national ID card
  • Power of Attorney that authorizes Danfoss to share the sales documentation with Danske Bank, so that Danske Bank can finalize the sale of the shares

Danfoss has previously on two occasions offered shares to the employees. In addition, the Bitten & Mads Clausen’s Foundation in 2004 offered a total of 10,000 shares for sales via the so-called ”10,000 pool”. Shares from this pool can only be sold back to Danfoss in a period of three weeks following the Annual General Meeting in March. 

Danfoss buys back employee shares when shareholders wish to realize them. There is only settlement once a month (around the second Monday) – except for July where settlement will take place during week 27 and for April where settlement will take place on the third Tuesday with deadline for sending the completed sales form on April 17, 2023. 

If the shares are in a deposit in a bank other than Danske Bank, please use the form below. The completed form must be returned to the bank. Further instructions are placed in the form. If you want to sell shares bought from the 10,000 pool, please use the special form below. If no form is visible, please contact shareholderrelations@danfoss.com

Employee shares, other bank – Danish version

Shares from the 10000 pool, other bank – Danish version

Dividends are determined by the General Meeting upon recommendation from the Danfoss Board of Directors. Dividends are paid out in Danish kroner and is deposited on the dividend account associated with the share deposit.

Year 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Dividend per share (DKK) 10 10 10 12.5 15  18 20   25 20


Year 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017  2018     
Dividend per share (DKK) 0 10 31.5 39.2 78.3 48.90 51.8 50.2 60.2


Year 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Dividend per share (DKK) 60.2 0 0 141.3 153.1


Taxation upon share sales
Taxation upon share sales varies from one country to another. In Denmark profit from share sales is taxable and must be declared to the Danish tax authorities. The shareholder is responsible for reporting taxable profit.

Taxation upon dividends
Taxation upon dividends varies from one country to another. In Denmark dividends are taxed 27%. Danfoss retains and pays in tax upon dividends paid out in Denmark and in countries with which Denmark has signed joint taxation agreements (Belgium, Canada, Greece, Holland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Norway, Switzerland, UK, Sweden, Germany and the US). Share holders are responsible for controlling whether dividends have been correctly declared on their income tax return.

Danfoss does not advise share holders in tax matters but urges shareholders to seek independent advice concerning their tax matters. Furthermore, Danish share holders are referred to SKAT, phone: +45 7222 1818.

Please note: if liable to DK taxation, tax must be paid of Danfoss shares transferred to a pension deposit – like in case of a sale.

The Danfoss share price is set once a year by Danske Markets (part of Danske Bank A/S) immediately before the annual general meeting. The share price is calculated on the basis of, among other things, the financial performance of Danfoss, the Group’s expectations to the upcoming year, its ability to meet expectations, the financial development of a number of comparable companies and their expectations for the future as well as the general development in the stock markets.

Year 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Share price(DKK) 749 752 931 1,307 1,438 1,791 2,273 2,127 830


Year 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016  2017  2018 
Share price(DKK) 1,077 3,431 3,198 3,460 4,116 4,267 4,904 6,100 6,981


Year 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Share price (DKK) 7,290 7,072 10,717 11,908 14,644