Temperature controls can lead to lower heat loss and therefore reduced CO2 emissions, in energy efficiency terms. Precise control performance of the temperature level in the heating system provides proper end-user comfort in the building. Good control ratios and rapid response times to changes in domestic hot water supply requirements are just some of the features needed to ensure optimum control performance.
Solutions for single-family houses and flats
Thermostatic temperature controllers for single-family houses and flats are used to control the flow temperature in instantaneous/storage domestic hot water and heating systems. With their fast opening and closing, they protect the heat exchanger from scaling and ensure a long lifetime for the equipment installed in the system.
In instantaneous domestic hot water systems with minor variations in supply temperature and differential pressures, RAVI controllers with a fast reaction time can be used. At higher differential pressures >2 bar, a separate dp controller is recommended. For more dynamic systems, AVTQ or IHPT controllers with flow-compensated temperature control and integrated differential pressure are the perfect choice.
They react as soon as the water tap is opened and maintain a low and constant differential pressure across the thermostatic control valve. Optimum idle temperature control is ensured. For bigger flows, AVTB thermostats can be used both for instantaneous DHW and heating.
In heating and ventilation systems Danfoss offers RAVK controllers with a moderate reaction time, which are designed for ventilation and heating systems.
For storage charge systems and hot water tank applications, Danfoss offers AVTB, RAVI / RAVK thermostats.
Solutions for multi-family and commercial buildings
Thermostatic temperature controllers for multi-family houses and commercial buildings are used for hot water systems as well as for return temperature limitation in district heating applications.
For storage charge systems and hot water tank applications, Danfoss offers AVTB, AVT/VG, AFT/VFG2 thermostats.
It may be necessary in some applications to limit the return temperature from hot water tanks or heating systems to avoid an excessive return temperature. This can be done by installing a return temperature limiter type FJV in the return pipe from the tank, or from the heating application.
In general, thermostatic temperature controllers are used in systems with moderate variations in the supply temperature and moderate differential pressures. For larger variations in differential pressure, it is recommended to install a differential pressure controller.
Self-acting temperature controls are offered in modular formats and feature safety functions meeting DIN standards.
Features and benefits
Precise control performance of the temperature level in the heating system provides proper end-user comfort in the building.
In energy efficiency terms, optimal performance of temperature control can lead to lower heat loss and therefore reduced CO2 emissions.
Good control ratios and rapid response times to changes in domestic hot water requirements are just some of the features needed to ensure optimum control performance.