Display cases

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Case and cold room solutions

Accurate temperature and operation control of display cases and cold rooms are vital for high-quality and safe food products. You have several options to achieve optimum operating conditions of display cases and cold rooms. You can choose either remote control, i.e. connected to a separate compressor rack/pack and condenser, or you can opt for a self-contained unit, where the entire system including compressor and condenser is housed in the unit.

No matter what solution you prefer, Danfoss provides all you need in terms of components and application expertise.

Features and benefits

Innovative solutions to improve energy efficiency

Low installation and operating costs thanks to long lifetime components and advanced communications capabilities

Unsurpassed expertise with natural refrigerants to achieve safe and efficient solutions

Field- and electronically-delivered services partnering with end-users to deliver projects that save energy and maintenance costs

Food safety through controllers equipped with HACCP reporting capabilities to track and improve performance

Evaporator Controller - ADAP-KOOL - Danfoss

The full range of Evaporator Controls from ADAP-KOOL®

ADAP-KOOL® case controllers offer highly efficient adaptive routines for each cabinet and cold room installation guaranteeing significant energy savings and early warning alarms to avoid potential food loss.

Related products

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    Micro Plate™ technology

    The next step in application-focused, high-performance heat exchanger
    design, Micro Plates™ are a revolutionary technology, specially created for
    district energy solutions and for use in heat pumps, chillers, and close control
    systems for cooling capacities up 800 kW / 225 TR.

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    Sight glasses

    SGP is a series of sight glasses for high pressure applications (Max Working Pressure 52 bar/754 psig). SGP is available in versions optimized for refrigerants with mineral oil e.g. HCFC, and in versions optimized for non-flammable HFC refrigerants. SGP is available with flare, solder and socket connections, and with and without moisture indicators.

  • if (isSmallPicture) { Micro channel heat exchangers - Danfoss; } else if (isBigColumns) { Micro channel heat exchangers - Danfoss } else { Micro channel heat exchangers - Danfoss }
    Micro channel heat exchangers

    Save time and money with MCHE standard products. The introduction of micro channel heat exchanger condensers, which combine resource and energy efficiency with minimal use of refrigerants, is enabling the development of leaner, greener solutions. Select one of our standard products and you can buy any quantity of condensers, any time, large or small, directly from stock.

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    SVL Flexline™ platform is now expanding to 140 bar MWP to meet an increasing demand of large manual valves in industrial design for large scale R744 CO2 transcritical systems.

  • if (isSmallPicture) { Pressure switches and Thermostats - Danfoss; } else if (isBigColumns) { Pressure switches and Thermostats - Danfoss } else { Pressure switches and Thermostats - Danfoss }
    Pressure switches and thermostats for refrigeration

    The range of pressure switches and thermostats cover a lot of applications within refrigeration and air conditioning. The pressure switches and thermostats are in two categories: KP as standard and RT for heavy duty purposes. The switches can be delivered for fluorinated refrigerants as well as ammonia.

Case studies

  • if (isSmallPicture) { ; } else if (isBigColumns) { } else { }
    Efficient Optyma™ Plus ease cold room installation at new fast food restaurant

    Fast food restaurant chain’s new restaurant needed refrigeration to be quiet, energy efficient and reliable – with easy installation and servicing. Optyma™ Plus condensing units were the obvious choice.

  • if (isSmallPicture) { A new cold room in time for Christmas with fast-installation Optyma™ Slim Pack; } else if (isBigColumns) { A new cold room in time for Christmas with fast-installation Optyma™ Slim Pack } else { A new cold room in time for Christmas with fast-installation Optyma™ Slim Pack }
    A new cold room in time for Christmas with fast-installation Optyma™ Slim Pack

    A high-performing cold room delivered in a matter of days, so Hurren’s Butchers could maximize seasonal business.

  • if (isSmallPicture) { Gibson’s Farm Shop achieves over 20% energy saving with Optyma™ Plus INVERTER; } else if (isBigColumns) { Gibson’s Farm Shop achieves over 20% energy saving with Optyma™ Plus INVERTER } else { Gibson’s Farm Shop achieves over 20% energy saving with Optyma™ Plus INVERTER }
    Gibson’s Farm Shop achieves over 20% energy saving with Optyma™ Plus INVERTER

    The growing store added new refrigeration capacity – and still saw energy bills fall – after replacing two condensing units with a single adaptive package.

  • if (isSmallPicture) { Supermarket danfoss; } else if (isBigColumns) { Supermarket danfoss } else { Supermarket danfoss }
    Engineering a cool supermarket with Danfoss technology

    As part of the luxury shopping mall Paseo La Galeria, Danfoss has supplied a refrigeration control system for the supermarket “Superseis”, including systems management for better energy efficiency in the food refrigeration application.

  • if (isSmallPicture) { Smart store brought to life at irish service stations; } else if (isBigColumns) { Smart store brought to life at irish service stations } else { Smart store brought to life at irish service stations }
    Smart store brought to life at Irish service stations

    With 230 service stations around the country, Maxol Group is the leading family-owned oil company in Ireland. Beginning in 2014, Maxol stations underwent a transformation that placed increased focus on the customer experience, offering high-end snack products and convenience shopping to people on the-go. During this transformation, Maxol wanted to upgrade refrigeration, lighting and HVAC to support store ambience, ensure food safety and save on energy bills.

  • if (isSmallPicture) { Italy's largest hypermarket Danfoss; } else if (isBigColumns) { Italy's largest hypermarket Danfoss } else { Italy's largest hypermarket Danfoss }
    Italy's largest hypermarket opts for CO₂ refrigeration

    The use of transcritical CO₂ refrigeration in warm climates has been a hot topic for years. In Milan, the brand new 10,000 m² Iper market is a pioneer in CO₂ refrigeration using ejector technology to enhance efficiency in temperatures up to 38 °C.

Contact us

For further information, please contact us.