With Danfoss systems you never need to worry about legionella or insufficient or cold water in the bathrooms. Our domestic hot water solutions include water heaters that can be connected to multiple tanks as well as storage and charge systems, hot water valves that prevent legionella and temperature controllers. When used together, these combine the demand for high performance, comfort, hygiene and resource efficient operation – even during peak loads.

Production of hot water
Production of hot water is done by one of our water heaters. These can be equipped with one or more storage tanks to provide enough hot water at peak loads. They can also be equipped with a storage charging principle. They meet hygienic, safety and temperature requirements and can be connected to different energy sources. Adding hot water valves and temperature controllers help prevent legionella. All together a high performance, comfortable, hygienic and resource efficient production of DHW is achieved.

Distribution of hot water
The hot water is then distributed to the water tap points. In most cases the size of the building requires a series of risers circulating the hot water. Our Thermal balancing valves ensure the proper hydronic balance that avoids long waiting times. As these control the water temperature they also avoid too hot water causing lime, corrosion and energy inefficiency. Normally these valves are set to a temperature that avoids legionella to grow.

Smart and energy efficient legionella risk reduction
The thermal balancing valves can be equipped with thermostatic or electronic disinfection modules, allowing periodic flushing of the system to kill the legionella bacteria. The electronic temperature registration system monitors all the temperatures and initiates the safe and energy efficient disinfection cycle. It also stores the temperature data for logging purposes. The electronic controller can be easy accessed on mobile devices using Wi-Fi or be integrated into Building Management Systems (BMS) for remote control, monitoring and alarm purposes.
Close to the water tap points, there is sometimes a need to lower the hot water temperature. Our hot water mixing valves ensure the outlet water temperature is safe for consumption.
How we can help you
One partner with high DHW expertise
High performance and energy efficiency
Resource efficient operation
Reduced risk of legionella contamination
Lowest possible operating costs

MTCV Thermal balancing valves with CCR2+ electronic controller
Establish safe and energy efficient DHW systems and control them remotely on a mobile device.

How to balance domestic hot water systems?
What are the issues and challenges in domestic hot water systems in non-residential buildings?See why hydronic balancing is important, what type of balancing is the best and how that can solve the issues.
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