- The packaged plate heat exchanger will consist of a fully assembled and pressure tested, skid mounted unit
- Connections shall be screwed up to DN50, flanged at DN65+
- The unit shall include pressure and temperature gauges, strainers, control valves, energy meters, isolating valves as per the schematic detail provided
- Unit shall include a controller with temperature sensors as per the controller specification
- Unit shall be pressure tested to PED standard, and capable of meeting the required max working and test pressures
Danfoss DSE Packaged Plate Heat Exchanger Range
Key Components:
Heat Exchanger
- The heat exchanger shall be brazed (EN 1.4404) or gasketed (AISI 304) depending on system requirements
- Maximum pressure loss for the heat exchanger should ensure turndown ratio as required by the system. Suggested minimum pressure loss is 50 kPa
Danfoss Sondex range
- Controller must be suitable for the application and have a defined control strategy to deal with all components on the heat exchanger substation
- Controller must use a temperature sensor on the primary flow, and a return temperature sensor on the secondary return, to maximise the performance of the primary system, whilst delivering the secondary flow temperature
- Controller must have a safety switch off, to prevent overheating of the secondary system, in the event of system failure
- Controller must include motor protection and motorised valve exercise, to prevent damage or blockage in the control valve
- Control valve outputs are to be modulating via 0-10V or 3-point signal
- Controller must have the ability to take in an M-bus signal from the meter, and display the consumed and instant energy usage, as well as flow rate and temperatures
- Controller must have the ability to take in an external input
- BMS must be able to link to the controller via Modbus or similar protocol
- Controller must have a remote access portal to allow the system owner to access key performance data and amend settings
Danfoss ECL 310
Motorised Control Valve
- Valve shall be pressure independent type
- Valve must have an authority of 1 at all settings
- Flow shall be set by limiting the stroke, to ensure full authority at all settings
- PICV must have a control ratio of 1:1000
- Actuator shall be suitable to be controlled by the specified station controller and be manufactured by the same manufacturer as the PICV
- Flow measurement must be possible on the PICV, to ensure accurate commissioning
- Valve shall be capable of closing at least 6 Bar differential pressure
- Control Valve characteristic shall be adjustable, to mirror the characteristic of the heat exchanger
Danfoss ABQM with AME actuator
Energy Meters
- Energy meters must be ultrasonic, MID approved class 2
- The packaged unit must allow for any required diameters before and after the meter
- Meter must have a Qi:QP ratio of 1:100 or better
- Meters are to be capable of being read using the m-bus protocol
Danfoss Sonometer 30/3500 range
Isolation Valves
- Must be fully lugged butterfly type
- Leakage must be zero visible
- Body must be cast with stainless steel disc, and EPDM liner