Product Research and Development today means modern advanced compressor technology and up-to-date products tomorrow. That's why we continuously increase investments in our research, development & testing activities. Our activities in this field have shown an extensive growth. Today about a tenth of all employees are dedicated to R&D. For extra input and fresh ideas we have strong connections to leading universities.
What does that mean for you?
We use stage-of-the-art software for 3D-CAD, FEM and Flow dynamics simulation. Our dedicated model shop equipped with machining centers and 3D-measuring equipment makes prototypes at the concept phase. And finally all prototypes are tested for thermodynamic and acoustic performance in our laboratories with fully automated calorimeters, climate rooms and acoustic rooms. To complete performance evaluation all products are subjected to a thorough cycle of endurance testing and tests to failure. More than two hundreds testing stands designed to duplicate the most severe run conditions with HFC and HCFC refrigerants guarantee long life-time characteristics to the product design.
As a result of these investments and efforts, we offer advanced compressor technology and high-tech products.
Danfoss Commercial Compressors has laboratories in France (ATEX approved), India, China and USA and has 3 factory inspection centers in France, China and US.