Danfoss Link™ Support

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Danfoss Link™

Danfoss Link™

Danfoss Link™ has served millions of homes well over the last almost ten years. With the Link™ smart heating solution, Danfoss successfully entered the universe of smart home heating. For all future installations, Danfoss Ally™ is the smart heating solution we recommend. With Ally™, we move to the best-in-market IoT standard protocol Zigbee, and open up for other players in smart heating to integrate, thus creating even better solutions within the smart home category. We continue to support the Link solution, but new development will for the above reasons take place on the Ally™ platform.

Danfoss Link™ Central Controller is firmware upgradable.

Report security concerns or security vulnerability if you have discovered an issue with one of our products or services.

Das Produktsortiment von Danfoss Ally™ umfasst:


Typ Name Sprache Gültig für Aktualisiert Download Dateityp
Broschüre Danfoss Link & connect thermostat - product sheet Schwedisch Schweden 01 Sept., 2015 400.8 KB .pdf
Broschüre Danfoss Link & connect thermostat - product sheet Französisch Frankreich 12 Jan., 2016 436.1 KB .pdf
Broschüre Danfoss Link & connect thermostat - product sheet Finnisch Finnland 21 Sept., 2015 344.2 KB .pdf
Broschüre Danfoss Link & Living Connect Englisch Mehrfach 23 Juni, 2016 304.1 KB .pdf
Broschüre Danfoss Link & Living Connect - product sheet Slowakisch Slowakei 09 Dez., 2014 380.2 KB .pdf
Broschüre Danfoss Link & Living Connect - product sheet Spanisch, Kastilisch Spanien 09 Dez., 2014 420.4 KB .pdf
Broschüre Danfoss Link & Living Connect - product sheet Polnisch Polen 10 Dez., 2014 437.1 KB .pdf
Datenblatt Danfoss Link HC Hydronic Controller Französisch Schweiz 08 Aug., 2016 285.1 KB .pdf
Datenblatt Danfoss Link HC Hydronic Controller Litauisch Mehrfach 23 Mai, 2017 187.2 KB .pdf
Datenblatt Danfoss Link RS (Room Sensor) Polnisch Polen 30 Sept., 2015 280.8 KB .pdf
Datenblatt Danfoss Link RS (Room Sensor) Französisch Frankreich 30 Sept., 2015 297.6 KB .pdf
Datenblatt Danfoss Link RS (Room Sensor) Finnisch Finnland 30 Sept., 2015 279.3 KB .pdf
Datenblatt Danfoss Link RS (Room Sensor) Ungarisch Ungarn 30 Sept., 2015 287.4 KB .pdf
Datenblatt Danfoss Link RS (Room Sensor) Schwedisch Schweden 30 Sept., 2015 279.3 KB .pdf
Datenblatt Danfoss Link RS (Room Sensor) Französisch Schweiz 08 Aug., 2016 210.1 KB .pdf
Datenblatt Danfoss Link RS (Room Sensor) Dänisch Dänemark 30 Sept., 2015 283.8 KB .pdf
Datenblatt Danfoss Link RS (Room Sensor) Niederländisch, Flämisch Niederlande 30 Sept., 2015 287.2 KB .pdf
Datenblatt Danfoss Link RU Englisch Mehrfach 19 Sept., 2018 238.3 KB .pdf
Broschüre Danfoss Link™ - brochure for professionals Italienisch Italien 14 Dez., 2015 1.2 MB .pdf
Broschüre Danfoss Link™ - brochure for professionals Finnisch Finnland 11 Sept., 2015 1.0 MB .pdf
Broschüre Danfoss Link™ - brochure for professionals Französisch Frankreich 12 Jan., 2016 1.2 MB .pdf
Broschüre Danfoss Link™ - brochure for professionals Tschechisch Tschechien 22 Jan., 2016 1.1 MB .pdf
Broschüre Danfoss Link™ - brochure for professionals Litauisch Litauen 18 Jan., 2016 8.4 MB .pdf
Broschüre Danfoss Link™ - brochure for professionals Schwedisch Schweden 15 Dez., 2015 3.1 MB .pdf
Broschüre Danfoss Link™ - brochure for professionals Englisch Mehrfach 17 Juli, 2015 1.2 MB .pdf
Datenblatt Danfoss Link™ BR Boiler Relay Englisch Mehrfach 12 Nov., 2013 164.9 KB .pdf
Datenblatt Danfoss Link™ CC Central Controller Ungarisch Ungarn 08 Dez., 2021 364.7 KB .pdf
Datenblatt Danfoss Link™ CC Central Controller Rumänisch, Moldauisch, Moldawien Rumänien 25 Jan., 2017 364.1 KB .pdf
Datenblatt Danfoss Link™ Central Controller Englisch Mehrfach 19 März, 2024 275.8 KB .pdf
Datenblatt Danfoss Link™ Central Controller Niederländisch, Flämisch Niederlande 06 Feb., 2014 1.0 MB .pdf
Datenblatt Danfoss Link™ Central Controller Französisch Frankreich 24 Feb., 2016 364.3 KB .pdf
Datenblatt Danfoss Link™ Central Controller Schwedisch Schweden 27 Aug., 2015 362.5 KB .pdf
Datenblatt Danfoss Link™ Central Controller Spanisch, Kastilisch Spanien 03 März, 2014 1.0 MB .pdf
Datenblatt Danfoss Link™ Central Controller Polnisch Polen 23 Juni, 2015 364.8 KB .pdf
Datenblatt Danfoss Link™ Central Controller Litauisch Litauen 08 Dez., 2021 365.1 KB .pdf
Datenblatt Danfoss Link™ Central Controller Estnisch Estland 27 März, 2014 1.0 MB .pdf
Datenblatt Danfoss Link™ Central Controller Italienisch Italien 24 Feb., 2016 362.6 KB .pdf
Datenblatt Danfoss Link™ Central Controller Chinesisch (CN) China 01 Juli, 2014 929.1 KB .pdf
Datenblatt Danfoss Link™ Central Controller Dänisch Dänemark 03 März, 2015 361.6 KB .pdf
Datenblatt Danfoss Link™ Central Controller Lettisch Lettland 27 März, 2014 1.0 MB .pdf
Datenblatt Danfoss Link™ Central Controller Finnisch Finnland 27 Aug., 2015 362.9 KB .pdf
Datenblatt Danfoss Link™ Central Controller Tschechisch Tschechien 24 Feb., 2016 364.8 KB .pdf
Datenblatt Danfoss Link™ Hydronic Controller Deutsch Mehrfach 30 Sept., 2015 307.4 KB .pdf
Datenblatt Danfoss Link™ Hydronic Controller Dänisch Mehrfach 30 Sept., 2015 260.5 KB .pdf
Datenblatt Danfoss Link™ Hydronic Controller Tschechisch Mehrfach 30 Sept., 2015 269.3 KB .pdf
Datenblatt Danfoss Link™ Hydronic Controller Deutsch Schweiz 08 Aug., 2016 188.4 KB .pdf
Datenblatt Danfoss Link™ Hydronic Controller Französisch Mehrfach 30 Sept., 2015 276.2 KB .pdf
Datenblatt Danfoss Link™ Hydronic Controller Niederländisch, Flämisch Mehrfach 30 Sept., 2015 270.5 KB .pdf
Datenblatt Danfoss Link™ Hydronic Controller Polnisch Mehrfach 30 Sept., 2015 262.8 KB .pdf
Datenblatt Danfoss Link™ Hydronic Controller Rumänisch, Moldauisch, Moldawien Mehrfach 30 Sept., 2015 268.5 KB .pdf
Datenblatt Danfoss Link™ Hydronic Controller Englisch Mehrfach 30 Sept., 2015 178.7 KB .pdf
Datenblatt Danfoss Link™ Hydronic Controller Schwedisch Mehrfach 30 Sept., 2015 259.2 KB .pdf
Datenblatt Danfoss Link™ Hydronic Controller Finnisch Mehrfach 30 Sept., 2015 262.3 KB .pdf
Datenblatt Danfoss Link™ Hydronic Controller Ungarisch Mehrfach 30 Sept., 2015 268.4 KB .pdf
Datenblatt Danfoss Link™ MPB with Danfoss Link™ SCM or with Danfoss Link™ HC Englisch Mehrfach 15 Aug., 2013 122.7 KB .pdf
Katalog Danfoss Link™ User Guide Kroatisch Kroatien 20 Jan., 2016 1.7 MB .pdf
Katalog Danfoss Link™ User Guide Finnisch Finnland 20 Okt., 2015 1.7 MB .pdf
Katalog Danfoss Link™ User Guide Spanisch, Kastilisch Spanien 20 Dez., 2013 1.0 MB .pdf
Katalog Danfoss Link™ User Guide Französisch Frankreich 20 Okt., 2015 1.7 MB .pdf
Katalog Danfoss Link™ User Guide Italienisch Italien 20 Dez., 2013 1.0 MB .pdf
Katalog Danfoss Link™ User Guide Dänisch Dänemark 01 Juli, 2015 1.7 MB .pdf
Katalog Danfoss Link™ User Guide Litauisch Litauen 23 Jan., 2014 1.4 MB .pdf
Katalog Danfoss Link™ User Guide Polnisch Polen 20 Okt., 2015 1.7 MB .pdf
Katalog Danfoss Link™ User Guide Tschechisch Tschechien 20 Dez., 2013 1.0 MB .pdf
Katalog Danfoss Link™ User Guide Englisch Mehrfach 05 Nov., 2019 1.3 MB .pdf
Katalog Danfoss Link™ User Guide Englisch Mehrfach 05 Nov., 2019 145.2 KB .pdf
Katalog Danfoss Link™ User Guide Englisch Mehrfach 05 Nov., 2019 329.7 KB .pdf
Katalog Danfoss Link™ User Guide Englisch Mehrfach 05 Nov., 2019 235.2 KB .pdf
Katalog Danfoss Link™ User Guide Estnisch Estland 20 Dez., 2013 1.0 MB .pdf
Katalog Danfoss Link™ User Guide Lettisch Lettland 07 Feb., 2014 1.4 MB .pdf
Katalog Danfoss Link™ User Guide - Ein Zentralregler für Ihr gesamtes Haus Deutsch Mehrfach 07 Juli, 2015 1.7 MB .pdf
Broschüre Danfoss Link™ varmestyring. Brochure til installatører. Dänisch Dänemark 04 Dez., 2020 1.0 MB .pdf
Katalog Danfoss One - A central controller for your entire Niederländisch, Flämisch Niederlande 08 Nov., 2016 1.7 MB .pdf
Katalog Danfoss One - A central controller for your entire Slowenisch Slowenien 20 Jan., 2016 1.7 MB .pdf
Katalog Danfoss One - A central controller for your entire Türkisch Türkei 16 Dez., 2016 1.2 MB .pdf
Katalog Danfoss One - A central controller for your entire Ungarisch Ungarn 20 Jan., 2016 1.7 MB .pdf
Katalog Danfoss One - A central controller for your entire Schwedisch Schweden 20 Okt., 2015 1.7 MB .pdf
Katalog Danfoss One - A central controller for your entire Rumänisch, Moldauisch, Moldawien Rumänien 20 Jan., 2016 1.7 MB .pdf
Broschüre Fachbroschüre Danfoss Link™ System Deutsch Mehrfach 15 Nov., 2016 4.5 MB .pdf
Broschüre living by Danfoss - brochure for professionals Spanisch, Kastilisch Spanien 09 Dez., 2014 1.2 MB .pdf
Broschüre living by Danfoss - brochure for professionals Slowakisch Slowakei 09 Dez., 2014 1.1 MB .pdf
Broschüre living by Danfoss - brochure for professionals Estnisch Estland 05 Dez., 2014 1.2 MB .pdf



We are now offering for download a new firmware update for the Danfoss Link™ Central Controller (CC), which includes:
• Support for using the Danfoss Z-Wave Repeater (088U1102)
• Upgrade of the communication protocol used for Amazon Alexa.

The new firmware can be downloaded from the Software page (link).
Once downloaded, you should place the file directly onto an empty USB drive.

Then go to your Central Controller and do the following:
1. Insert USB
2. Press the screen view Start mode
3. Select “House control”
4. Select “Settings”
5. Select “Wi-Fi and apps”
6. Select “App options”
7. Select “Software update”
8. Select “Update via USB”
9. Select “Update software now”

Should you experience challenges with this last firmware update, we suggest you downgrade your Link CC back to the previous firmware update, which can be downloaded here.

Danfoss Link FAQs

Demount old thermostat
If you have an old thermostat on your radiator, you need to dismount your old thermostats, before you can install Connect Thermostat. 
Watch video

Mount new thermostat and adapter
First, you need to identify which adapter is right for your radiator. Danfoss provides different adapters for different radiator valve types. Use the adapter selection guide by placing the different dimensions onto the valve to identify which adapter fits your valve.

The adapters supplied cover more than 90 per cent of all top mounted valves, both Danfoss and other brands. If none of the adapters fit onto your valve, it may be because your valve is old. In this case, we recommend that you buy a new valve.

Second, fit the correct adapter onto the valve. Insert batteries into your new Connect Thermostat and screw the thermostat onto the adapter and tighten. Leave mounting mode.

Now you are ready to create room and add devices on your Danfoss Link™ Central Controller.

Power outage on Danfoss Link™ Central Controller
If there is a power outage, the Danfoss Link™ Central Controller will turn on, once it gets power again and will connect to your installed devices.

If the Central Controller does not get power again:
• Connect Thermostat will continue on the temperature they were at when the power outage happened
• the Room Sensor will go into frost protection mode

Connect Thermostat or Room Sensor runs out of battery
When Connect Thermostat or Room Sensor is low on a battery, a battery icon will be shown in the display and the Central Controller will give you an error message. If a Connect Thermostat or Room Sensors runs out of battery, they will go into frost protection mode.
Connect Thermostats and Room Sensors use 2 x AA non-rechargeable batteries each.

The freer passage the radio signal from the Central Controller has, the farther it can reach. House walls, metal objects, special constructions and other obstacles weaken the signal. Your Central Controller will give an alarm if it cannot reach a device for more than 1.5 hours.

If there are obstacles between your devices, you may need to install a Repeater Unit to extend the signal. If necessary, you can extend the extended signal by adding another Repeater Unit as illustrated below. You only need one Central Controller for your home.

It can measure and control the temperature at a specific spot in your home.

If you place the Icon™ Room Thermostat close to your couch or away from a window, you ensure your desired temperature at this spot, because you optimize the actual temperature measurement in the room.

We recommend adding a Icon™ Room Thermostat in rooms with multiple radiators, because the Room Sensor balances the temperature across radiators based on the room temperature.

If your radiator thermostat is covered, e.g. by furniture, the Icon™ Room Thermostat  will ensure your desired temperature in the room.

Add the Icon™ Room Thermostat  to your Danfoss Link™ Central Controller in the same room as the Connect Thermostat you want the Icon™ Room Thermostat  to be connected to.

Energy savings are achieved through a reduction in room temperature.As a general rule, you can save 5% of energy consumption for every degree you lower the temperature at night. We recommend, you lower the temperature 3-4 °C at night and during working hours, e.g. from 21°C to 17°C. Also, activate vacation mode when you are on holiday.

When using Connect Thermostat, the average European saving potential is up to 30% on your heat consumption.

The older your thermostats are when exchanging them, the greater your energy savings will be.
Connect Thermostat was the first electronic thermostat ever to achieve the prestigious AA energy certificate from eu.bac.

Please go to our Danfoss Link™ App Helpdesk and get the assistance you need.

Open helpdesk

To ensure that the radiator thermostat can reach the set temperature quickly, we recommend a difference between Away/Asleep mode and At Home mode at max. 4 ˚C.

Danfoss Link™ offers a precise and energy efficient heating regulation by adapting itself to the heating system. This takes approximately one week after installation. Therefore, during the first week you can experience fluctuations as the thermostats are learning when to start heating to reach the specific temperature at the specific time (adaptive learning).

After this period, you can enjoy the perfect temperature in your home whenever you want it.

The Danfoss Link™ Central Controller works in all residential units up to 300 m² with a maximum of 50 units per Central Controller (1 Central Controller + 49 units).

You can connect up to 50 devices in total to Danfoss Link™ Central Controller and thereof max. 30 Connect Thermostat to Danfoss Link™. Danfoss Link™ controls up to 10 devices in one room.

Yes, if you have the Wi-Fi version of Danfoss Link™ Central Controller. You can download the app from either App Store or Google Play.

Find out if your Danfoss Link™ supports Wi-Fi here.


Eco is a stand-alone product. You need to use Connect Thermostat for Danfoss Link™.

Danfoss ensures that all the devices in your home and the cloud service we provide to your smartphone are secure at all times. The Danfoss Link™ App is developed on a Home Banking platform and so the pairing of the Danfoss Link™ App to the Danfoss Link™ Central Controller is fully secure.

Yes. You can control multiple Danfoss Link CC from the App by adding another location. You may add up to 20 locations on one Danfoss Link App. One Danfoss Link can be controlled by up to 20 smartphones. Three users may use the App simultaneously on the same Danfoss Link CC (location).

1. Access the left side panel of the App. Click "Settings".


2. Click "Add new location".


3. Follow the guide that is presented to you.

When you buy a new smartphone you have to establish connection between Danfoss Link™ CC and the new smartphone. Even though all App’s are restored via the cloud solution, then the pairing must be done again. The App will of course guide you through the menu in Danfoss Link™ CC to locate the pairing code.

The reason might be, that Adaptive learning is enabled.

The adaptive learning function (Forecast) ensures that the comfort temperature is reached at set time. The warm up time is continuously adjusted according to seasonal temperature changes.

Adaptive learning ensures the wanted temperature at the wanted time (here 20 °C at 07:00).
Adaptive learning uses data from the previous 7 days to be able to reach the correct temperature at the right time.
Adaptive learning is sensitive to large, rapid temperature changes.

Winter: Long warm up time. Spring/fall:Short warm up time

In case you would like to disable this feature, it can be done in following way:

Go to installer menu (Remove the white frame from Danfoss Link and press setup)

Room and devices ->
Manage existing room ->
Configure existing room ->
Choose room ->
Heating regulation ->
Forecast feature (On / Off)

If you turn Forecast OFF, heating will be running according to set schedule.

The Danfoss Link App is available from Google Play and App Store on iTunes.

Keyword to search for is "Danfoss Link".

The minimum requirements are iOS 11.0 or Android 7.0 .

1. Downloading app from App Store

Make sure you have Internet connection.
   2.  On the iPhone/iPad desktop click on the Apple Store icon:


   3.  The application will open 

   4.  Search for the application >> on top right type in the name of the application (Danfoss Link) and press Search

   5.  Choose the application you need. When you click on the app, you will get the application's page (you can find there description, screenshots, requirements and option to download the app).

   6.  Once App is downloaded, the Installation flag will change to open. The application icon is now available on the iPhone/iPad desktop.


2. Downloading app from Google Play

Make sure you have Internet connection.
    2.  On the phone/tablet desktop click on the Google Play (Play Store) icon:


   3.  The application will open 

   4.  Search for the application >> on top right click magnifying glass then type the name of the application (Danfoss Link)

   5.  Choose the application you need. When you click on the app, you will get the application's page (you can find there description, screenshots, requirements and option to download the app).

   6. Once App is downloaded the application icon is available on the phone/tablet desktop.

Once you open the App for the first time the Danfoss Link App will show a step by step guide on how to add the App to the Danfoss Link CC. For video guide please open here

Living Zone is a quick way to control the heating of where you live and directly from the Danfoss Link App.

Specifically it is a list of rooms sharing the same heating schedule for when you are at home and away or asleep.

You can access the Living Zone heating schedule as described here:

1. Click on the center of the main screen of the Danfoss Link App.

2. Click on the list of rooms in the Living Zone. 

3. Click on the day you want to view.

4. If needed change the schedule.
The day schedule can be copied to other days by clicking "Copy"

It is also possible to have an individual heating schedule for an individual room by deselecting the room from the Living Zone (Please note: at least one room must remain in the Living Zone at all times). This can be done from the Danfoss Link CC using the following steps:

1. Click on the display.

2. Choose "House Control".

3. Choose "Heating Control".

4. Choose "Living Zone".

5. Choose "Select Rooms".

6. A list of rooms will be presented. Deselect the room or rooms that should have an individual heating schedule.

Please note: at least one room must remain in the Living Zone at all times.

We are sorry to announce the product launch of the new Danfoss Link Smart plug has been cancelled due to a number of reasons. At the moment there are no plans to launch smart plugs at a later stage. We are very sorry for inconvenience. view page

Please visit smartheating.danfoss.com for more information on how to improve your comfort or contact the installer who provided the heating system. 

Manual temperature can be used for when the heating schedule is not needed in an individual room or the Living Zone.

Manual temperature is particular useful if you have a guest room that is rarely used. The heating schedule could be active when the guest is staying in the room and when the guest leaves you could switch to a lower manual temperature saving you energy.

Please note that any room can be changed into an Individual room by following the instructions in this article: What is Living Zone?

Manual temperature for an individual room can be activated as described here:

1. Access the right side panel of the Danfoss Link App.

2. Scroll down to the "Individual rooms" section. 
Click on the room name of interest.

3. Slide "Manual temperature" from "Off" to "On" 

4. "Manual temperature" is now activated.
Choose a different manual temperature if needed.

All your existing Danfoss Link and living products needs to be reset and connected to your new Danfoss Link CC.

If you are unsure on how to do this you can consult smartheating.danfoss.com for more information or contact the installer who provided you with the system for further assistance.

You can use the Danfoss Link App to quickly setup the heating schedule according to your needs.

The desired temperatures for when you are at home and away or asleep can be set individually for each room using the Danfoss Link App.

1. Access the right side panel of the Danfoss Link App.

2. You now have two options. Click on a room name to view both "At home" and "Away and Asleep" temperatures for that room or click on the pencil to change the current temperature for any room on the list.

3. Change the temperatures.


There are two ways to check if your Danfoss Link CC supports Wi-Fi.

Check the label on the back of the Danfoss Link CC.
The Danfoss Link CC version should be 4.

If your CC is fully installed and powered you can also follow the screenshots here to identify Wi-Fi support.

1. Click on the main screen

2. Click "House Control"

3. Find and click "Settings"

4. Look for "Wi-Fi and Apps".
If it is visible then Danfoss Link CC has Wi-Fi support.

If your Danfoss Link CC Panel has no Wi-Fi option, and you would like to replace it with the new one(with Wi-Fi option available),  please contact your Installer.

If your Danfoss Link CC has Wi-Fi you can control your Danfoss Link system from an App on your phone or tablet if you have at least Android 7.0 or iOS 11.0 installed.

Future software updates will automatically be downloaded to your Danfoss Link CC enabling new features and improvements.

Danfoss Link™ is compatible with Amazon Alexa and can be used in English, German, French, Spanish and Italian languages. For the rest countries possible to use English language as an international or any language listed above. More information is posted on the English version of FAQ page –Amazon account registration guide   . Also, Danfoss Link™ is compatible with the following home heating products – see the link here . Danfoss Link™ cannot be connected to other systems such as Apple HomeKit, IFTTT, Samsung SmartThings or Google Assistant.

1. Click the main screen once.

2. Click "House Control"

3. Find and click "Settings"

4. Click "Wi-Fi and Apps"

5. Click "On"

6. Read and accept "Disclaimer"

7. Select your "Wi-Fi Network" and click "Connect".

8. A new screen appears where you can enter your Wi-Fi password and accept it. 

9. The Danfoss Link CC will now connect to your Wi-Fi network and if your password is correct you should momentarily receive a notification that network is connected. Accept the notification and press back to continue.

10. You should now be able to see the following screen:


Please try to search for the Wi-Fi network one more time. Please note that if you have a hidden network (SSID Broadcast disabled) then your network is not shown on the network list. You have to make your Wi-Fi network visible (SSID Broadcast enabled). If you are unsure on how to configure your Wi-Fi router we recommend you contact the provider of your router.

Check your smartphone or Device

In case of a lost connection to the Danfoss Link App check that your device/ Smartphone are connected - a ‘lost connection’ notice will show on the screen. Follow the device message to reconnect to the network.

Check your Danfoss Link CC connection

There are many factors that might cause your Danfoss Link CC to be off-line occasionally. Before spending the time troubleshooting your home network, you should verify that one of these more common issues aren’t causing the problem:

The connection to the Internet at your home is down
A power failure at home
There is a problem with your Wi-Fi router
You can test this by verifying that your phone can connect to the Internet via the same Wi-Fi network.

If you are still experiencing problems – check these troubleshooting steps:

Restart Wi-fi Router and/or Access point
Check Wi-Fi signal strength at Danfoss Link CC – Try moving the Danfoss link CC closer to the router, if successful this may show that the signal strength is not strong enough to reach where you would like to locate your unit.
Check the router parameters – the table below shows the recommended settings for the Danfoss Link CC.
Try to connect the Danfoss Link CC to a mobile hotspot using your smartphone
Restart the Danfoss Link CC
Check for 2.4 GHz interference – There is more details below about the types of devices that could be interrupting the signal.
Check the parental controls on your Wi-Fi router/access point and other firewall settings (Refer to your Wi-Fi router documentation to see if this feature is enabled on your network and how you can exempt the Danfoss Link CC from these restrictions).
Update your Wi-Fi access point or router’s firmware

Recommended Wi-Fi / Router setting for use with Danfoss Link CC

Parameter Value Comments
SSID Any unique name  
Hidden Disable  
Frequency (*) 2.4 GHz The Danfoss Link CC can only support 2.4 GHz
2.4 GHZ mode (*) 802.11b/g/n Do not use N only mode
Security (*) WPA2 Personal (AES) Do not use mixed mode WPA/WPA2
Channel (*) Fixed (channel 1,6.or 11) Use one of the channels (1,6 or 11) with least interference
2.4 GHz channel width (*) 20 MHz Do not use 40 MHz
MAC address authentication or filtering Disable  
DHPC Enable Only one DHCP server per network
Ports used 80 and 443  

 (*) Key settings

- Refer to your Wi-Fi router documentation to learn how to update your settings.

- Make sure that “Fast roaming” is disabled. This also known as IEEE 802.11r or Fast BSS Transition (FT), allows a client device to roam quickly in environments implementing WPA2 Enterprise security.

- WPA2 Personal is currently the strongest form of security offered by Wi-Fi products, and is recommended for all uses.

Danfoss Link is using a Wi-Fi at 2.4 GHz, and other home products might be using the same 2.4 GHz frequency-band, and might disrupt your Wi-Fi network. Try turning off any products that might interfere with the Wi-Fi wireless connection, like:

Cordless phones
Burglar alarm system w. room IR sensors
Baby alarms (Monitors)
Microwave ovens
Bluetooth devices
Wireless audio/video equipment
Once you have a working internet connection on both Danfoss Link CC and your smartphone device, then you can use the Danfoss link App anywhere. If you using the Danfoss Link App in a different country than where you live then please be aware that roaming fees may apply for your internet connection.

In case of connection issues please make sure that your phone or tablet is connected to internet using Wi-Fi or mobile data connection and that the Danfoss Link CC has access to Wi-Fi with working internet.


Amazon Alexa EULA

Danfoss Link™ is compatible with Amazon Alexa and can be used in English, German, French, Spanish and Italian languages. For the rest countries possible to use English language as an international or any language listed above. 

Just repeat the room name. If the issue constantly rise, please use recommended standard room names from the list.

List of the standard room names:
Living room;
Dining room;
Kids room;

Please note: in some cases specific room names may not be recognized by Alexa

Compatible thermostats connected to your Danfoss Link™ CC can be controlled with Alexa by means of the next voice commands:

- Alexa, what is the temperature in (room name)?
- Alexa, turn up/down the heat in (room name).
- Alexa, set the temperature in (room name) to 24°.

The thermostat’s mode cannot be changed via Amazon Alexa. Adjustments to mode must be made via Danfoss Link CC or the Danfoss Link mobile app.

Try saying:
 “Alexa, what is the temperature in the Kitchen?”
(Alexa replies: The “Kitchen” temperature is 21 degrees)

“Alexa, turn up the heat in the Kitchen”;
(Alexa replies: “Kitchen” is set to 22 degrees)

“Alexa, set the temperature in the Kitchen to 24 degrees”;
(Alexa replies: “Kitchen” is set to 24 degrees)

This is most likely happening because your Danfoss Link™ CC is not connected to Wi-Fi or your Danfoss Link™ app.

There are a few things you can try:
Make sure your Danfoss Link™ CC is connected to Wi-Fi. To check Wi-Fi connection, from your Danfoss Link™ CC do the next steps:

1. Click the main screen once;
2. Click "House Control";
3. Find and click "Settings";
4. Click "Wi-Fi and Apps".

As a default temperature unit Alexa App displayed in Fahrenheit. To change the measurement units we need:
1, Alexa App: Open the Amazon App and choose “settings”

2, Alexa App: Click “Device Settings”

3, Alexa App: Choose “This Device”

4, Alexa App: Choose “Measurement Units”

5, Alexa App: Adjust  “Measurement
Units” to your preference.

Recommendation: After adjustment new settings restart your Alexa app in order to get information updated.

Amazon Echo is currently not launched in all markets, which means that Danfoss cannot guarantee functional integration with Amazon Echo. For now Danfoss Link CC supports Amazon Echo in following markets: Germany, England and France.

Supported languages: English (AU), English (GB), English (US), French (FR), German (DE).

No. They do both need to be connected to Wi-Fi networks, but they can be on separate Wi-Fi networks.

1.1. Download and launch the Alexa App (Amazon Echo setup is done via Alexa App)

Enable Smart Home Skills

1. Download and launch Amazon Alexa App on your device. 

2. Alexa App:

Open the left side menu and go to “Skills & Games”

Alexa App:
Search for Danfoss and choose the Danfoss skill

Alexa App:
Click “Enable” skill

1.2. Preparing Danfoss Link CC to Amazon Alexa feature

Alexa App:
Choose the Danfoss Link and follow instructions.

Link CC:
Go to House control -> Settings -> Wi-Fi and Apps -> App Options -> Amazon Alexa

Link CC:
Check “Enable Amazon Alexa” item

Link CC:
Read through and accept the Amazon Alexa EULA

1.3. Pairing Danfoss Link CC and amazon Alexa App

Link CC:
Click “Get pairing code” and go to the Alexa App to insert the pairing code

Alexa App:
Insert the pairing code and click “Pair”

Alexa App:
Click “X” to start discovering devices

Alexa App:
Click “Discover Devices”

1.4. Finish pairing and start working

Link CC:
Confirmation message in the Danfoss Link™ CC, click “OK”

Alexa App:
New devices added; click “Done”

Alexa App:
Click on Thermostats icon to control and edit

Alexa App:
Choose the room you need to make an adjustment

2.1. Current Alexa voice commands

Question: “Alexa, what is the temperature in (room name)?

Alexa: “The (room name) temperature is 23”

Question: “Alexa, turn up/down the heat in (room name)

Alexa: “The (room name) is set to 24° (1° change)”

Question: “Alexa, set the temperature in (room name) to 24”

Alexa: “The (room name) is set to 24°”

It is possible to achieve the same result with a variety of different phrases such as: “increase the temperature in (room name) by 2 degrees”, etc.

Go to Amazon web page depends on language you need
English - www.amazon.co.uk,
German - www.amazon.de,
French - www.amazon.fr,
Spanish - www.amazon.es,
Italian - www.amazon.it
Press button at the top right-hand corner ‘Your account’ and below ‘Sign in’ button press ‘New customer, Start here’:
Fill in the registration form and press 'Create your Amazon account':
Before you begin using your Amazon device and Alexa Voice Service, connect it to Wi-Fi network, and then register it to your Amazon account from the Alexa app. To do this, download the Alexa app and sign in. After, use ‘Danfoss Link and Amazon Alexa connection guide ’ to finish the installation procedure. 

Produktsicherheit und Telekommunikationsinfrastruktur (PSTI)

 The minimum support period: by the 31st of December 2026.

Report security concerns or security vulnerability if you have discovered an issue with one of our products or services. 


Übersicht Softwareversionen

Verwandte Lösungen

Smart Heating von Danfoss

Smart Heating von Danfoss

Danfoss Smart Heating bietet Lösungen für jedes Zuhause und jeden Bedarf – von eigenständigen intelligenten Heizkörperthermostaten bis hin zu kompletten intelligenten Heizungssystemen für eine vollständige Kontrolle, überall und jederzeit.

 Jederzeit und überall.