ICF Flexline™ ventilstation

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Unik modulopbygning

Større frihed er nøgleordet for ICF Flexline™ ventilstationer. Som en del af Flexline™ platformen er disse ventilstationer baseret på en unik modulopbygning.

Kontrolløsningen med flere porte fra Danfoss giver betydelige besparelser ved at udskifte en række af ventiler med blot én ventilstation. Ventilstationen er en ægte Plug & Play-løsning, der består af et ventilhus og op til fire eller seks funktionsmoduler.

90 % af alle applikationer dækkes af blot fire basiskonfigurationer, og der er mulighed for mere end 50 tilpassede konfigurationer. For dig betyder dette hurtig installation og mindre service.

Ventilstationerne er egnede til både almindelige lav- og højtrykskølemidler, væskeledninger, kompressorindsprøjtningsledninger og varmgasledninger. De er godkendt op til 52 bar, og de kan bruges med de fleste typer kølemidler.

Funktioner og fordele

Store tidsbesparelser, kun én komponent, uproblematisk systemdesign med gratis 3D-ventiltegninger

80 % mindre installationstid med kun to svejsninger

Mindre behov for isolering, kompakt design

Nem service under drift og vedligeholdelse

Lavt kølemiddeltab under drift

Lang levetid

ICF ventilstation i rustfrit stål – Danfoss

Vi introducerer de nye ICF ventilstationer i rustfrit stål

Denne nyskabelse gør det muligt at designe moderne, fremtidssikrede kølesystemer, der udelukkende er fremstillet af rustfrit stål.

Fremhævede produkter


Type Navn Sprog Valid for Opdateret Download Filtype
Brochure A new dimension in installation and service - the ICF valve station from the Flexline series German Multiple 23 mar., 2015 5.2 MB .pdf
Brochure A smarter and fast way for installation (ICF Flexline) Danish Multiple 23 mar., 2015 5.1 MB .pdf
Brochure Bardziej przemyślany i szybszy, Montaż i serwis (ICF Flexline) Polish Multiple 27 nov., 2014 535.9 KB .pdf
Brochure ICF Large Russian Multiple 16 dec., 2015 2.7 MB .pdf
Brochure ICF Large Spanish, Castilian Multiple 16 dec., 2015 2.7 MB .pdf
Brochure ICF Large Polish Multiple 16 dec., 2015 2.7 MB .pdf
Brochure ICF Large Portuguese Multiple 16 dec., 2015 2.7 MB .pdf
Brochure ICF Large Chinese (CN) Multiple 16 dec., 2015 2.8 MB .pdf
Brochure ICF Large German Multiple 16 dec., 2015 2.7 MB .pdf
Brochure ICF Large English Multiple 08 dec., 2015 3.0 MB .pdf
Brochure The new ICF 15-4 valve station: It's small, it's modular, it's flexible Danish Multiple 23 mar., 2015 3.7 MB .pdf
Brochure The new ICF 15-4 valve station: It's small, it's modular, it's flexible Polish Multiple 23 mar., 2015 3.7 MB .pdf
Brochure The new ICF 15-4 valve station: It's small, it's modular, it's flexible Italian Multiple 23 mar., 2015 3.7 MB .pdf
Brochure The new ICF 15-4 valve station: It's small, it's modular, it's flexible Spanish, Castilian Multiple 23 mar., 2015 3.6 MB .pdf
Brochure The new ICF 15-4 valve station: It's small, it's modular, it's flexible French Multiple 23 mar., 2015 3.7 MB .pdf
Brochure The new ICF 15-4 valve station: It's small, it's modular, it's flexible Chinese (CN) Multiple 23 sep., 2014 2.7 MB .pdf
Brochure The new ICF 15-4 valve station: It's small, it's modular, it's flexible Dutch, Flemish Multiple 23 mar., 2015 3.7 MB .pdf
Brochure The new ICF 15-4 valve station: It's small, it's modular, it's flexible Portuguese Multiple 16 apr., 2015 3.6 MB .pdf
Brochure The new ICF 15-4 valve station: It's small, it's modular, it's flexible Russian Multiple 23 mar., 2015 3.7 MB .pdf
Brochure The new ICF 15-4 valve station: It's small, it's modular, it's flexible English Multiple 23 mar., 2015 3.6 MB .pdf
Brochure The smarter, faster route to Installation and service - The ICF Valve Station - member of the Flexline family Italian Multiple 23 mar., 2015 5.1 MB .pdf
Brochure The smarter, faster route to Installation and service - The ICF Valve Station - member of the Flexline family English Multiple 17 apr., 2015 5.1 MB .pdf
Brochure The smarter, faster route to Installation and service - The ICF Valve Station - member of the Flexline family Spanish, Castilian Multiple 23 mar., 2015 5.1 MB .pdf
Brochure The smarter, faster route to Installation and service - The ICF Valve Station - member of the Flexline family French Multiple 23 mar., 2015 5.1 MB .pdf
Brochure The smarter, faster route to Installation and service (ICF Flexline) Russian Multiple 04 apr., 2016 5.2 MB .pdf
Brochure The smarter, faster way to install and maintain (ICF Flexline) Portuguese Multiple 23 mar., 2015 5.1 MB .pdf
Brochure The smarter, faster way to installation and maintenance (ICF Flexline) Dutch, Flemish Multiple 23 mar., 2015 5.1 MB .pdf



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