Alsense Cloud Services
Our dynamic digital services are housed in our Alsense IoT Cloud, which is designed to meet all your technical needs. It offers reliable security, dynamic scalability, and ongoing sustainability. With the Alsense Cloud Platform, you can expect high service availability, a secure VPN connection, and seamless cloud integration.
Plus, our platform is powered by Microsoft Azure, so you can rest easy knowing your data is safe.

Benefits of the Alsense IoT Cloud
The Alsense IoT cloud and its services provide you with a seamless user experience and additional features for actionable insights that boost your business. Learn how our cloud services will give you instant benefits in terms of Improved performance and stability as well as increased security and availability right at your fingertips.
Alsense by the Numbers
Powered by Microsoft
Hvad betyder det, at Alsense Cloud-platformen drives af Microsoft Azure? Det betyder i bund og grund, at du kan stole på den kombinerede ekspertise fra to industrieksperter; vores relevante industrierfaring og Microsofts mange års erfaring med sikkerhed, skalerbarhed og bæredygtighed.
Kort sagt så gør vores partnerskab med Microsoft dit partnerskab med os legende let.